The Netflix series ‘Baby Reindeer’ has not only captivated viewers with its gripping storyline but has also sparked important conversations about the duty of care employers have in protecting their staff from stalking and harassment.

Based on a true story, ‘Baby Reindeer’ follows the fictionalised character Donny Dunn, who develops a complex and unsettling relationship with a woman named Martha after meeting her at the bar where he works.

Initially friendly, Martha’s behaviour quickly escalates into stalking both in-person and online.

Beyond being an enthralling watch, the show underscores the critical role businesses must play in safeguarding employees facing such threats.

To assist employers in managing these challenging situations, Jayne Harrison, head of employment law at Richard Nelson LLP, has outlined ten ways companies can effectively support staff experiencing stalking or harassment.

10 Ways Employers Can Protect Their Staff from Stalking and Harassment

  1. Create a Safe Environment: Ensure a workplace culture that prioritises safety and support. Encourage open communication, install security measures, and designate ‘well-being champions’ to promote mental well-being. Reinforce that stalking and harassment, whether inside or outside the workplace, are unacceptable.
  2. Train Employees: Educate employees about stalking and harassment, including how to recognise warning signs and the appropriate steps to take. Managers should also be trained to handle such cases, ensuring victims have a trusted point of contact.
  3. Take Reports Seriously: Listen empathetically to employees who report being stalked or harassed, document their concerns thoroughly and confidentially, and offer support such as counselling or legal assistance.
  4. Assess the Risk: Collaborate with the affected employee to evaluate the level of risk posed by the stalker or harasser. Conduct a risk assessment with HR, security, or legal experts and develop a tailored safety plan.
  5. Implement Protective Measures: Depending on the risk level, implement measures such as adjusting work schedules, providing escorts, installing security devices, and safeguarding personal information.
  6. Collaborate with the Police: Encourage and assist the employee in reporting the harassment to the police, providing necessary documentation or witness statements.
  7. Offer Support Services: Provide access to counselling or support services to help the affected employee cope. Consider flexible leave options and maintain a supportive work environment.
  8. Monitor and Review: Consistently monitor the situation, reassess risks, and ensure the effectiveness of protective measures. Stay connected with the employee through regular check-ins and security audits.
  9. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all reported incidents, including dates, times, descriptions, and actions taken. These records are essential for legal or investigative purposes.
  10. Review Policies and Procedures: Regularly update company policies related to stalking and harassment to address emerging threats and demonstrate a commitment to employee safety.

For a comprehensive guide on handling stalking and harassment cases, Richard Nelson LLP offers valuable resources, which can be accessed here.

By addressing the serious issues depicted in ‘Baby Reindeer,’ employers can better prepare to protect their employees and foster a safer, more supportive workplace.






Amelia Brand is the Editor for HRreview, and host of the HR in Review podcast series. With a Master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory, her particular interests within HR include employment law, DE&I, and wellbeing within the workplace. Prior to working with HRreview, Amelia was Sub-Editor of a magazine, and Editor of the Environmental Justice Project at University College London, writing and overseeing articles into UCL’s weekly newsletter. Her previous academic work has focused on philosophy, politics and law, with a special focus on how artificial intelligence will feature in the future.