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Tag: David Cameron

Cameron breathes life into Big Society – promises paid volunteering leave

David Cameron is set to revive his promise to force firms to pay staff to do voluntary work despite a disgruntled reaction from business, the Daily Mail reports. The plan, to allow 15 million workers to take three days off a year to volunteer, is a set-piece policy that Cameron hopes to deliver before he leaves office in 2020.

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University or apprenticeships for all students post 16, says Cameron

Prime Minister, David Cameron, has outlined a pencil-sketch vision of an educational future  in which all post-16 students either take on an apprenticeship or go to university university. Mr Cameron told an audience at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) annual conference that he wanted to see “either apprenticeships or universities for almost everybody”.

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New Immigration Bill means more burden on employers

The new Immigration Bill that is set to kick off this week has caused upset among legal professionals after they have hit back at the Prime Minister’s speech. They say both businesses and workers are being targeted in a negative way, with migrant workers being targeted and punished and more burden being put on businesses shoulders.

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