Jibe, Inc., a leading recruitment technology company, today announced the launch of Jibe Insights to kick off the 2014 HR Technology Conference. Built specifically for talent acquisition and HR executives, Jibe Insights empowers heads of recruitment and HR with top-line intelligence to ensure they optimize their hiring practice and get the most out of their recruitment marketing spend. Giving them immediate and easy access to their most important hiring metrics, Jibe Insights enables executives to better manage their recruitment teams and processes.
Based on years of experience working with some of the world’s best and brightest talent acquisition leaders, Jibe Insights provides the analytics needed to optimize recruiting and hiring practices. By doing so, companies can begin to fulfill the promise of data-driven recruiting. And unlike analytics solutions currently on the market, Jibe Insights is the first to allow for rapid implementation due to pre-configured ATS integrations.
“Over the years, we’ve helped the world’s biggest companies process millions of applications and facilitated millions of job postings. As such, we’ve learned a lot about what data is most important to drive a better and more successful recruiting operation,” said Joe Essenfeld, CEO and founder of Jibe, Inc. “To bring Jibe Insights to life, we assembled a team specifically dedicated to working with our clients to find out what metrics they need and how they want to consume them so we could develop the most effective analytics tool possible. We are excited and encouraged by early feedback we’ve received from clients who have told us that Jibe Insights is the analytics solution they have been waiting for.”
“Without a doubt, data and analytics is the future of recruitment. Up until now though, it has been a lot of talk and hype about a future state, rather than a full realization of the true power and benefit of data-driven talent acquisition,” said Chris Cho, SVP of Product at Jibe, Inc. “Jibe Insights is much more than simply a pretty package to deliver the same disparate, inaccurate data. Rather, Insights surfaces the most relevant data, ensures its accuracy, and makes it accessible from anywhere, at anytime, on any device – mobile, desktop or otherwise.“
Jibe’s recently-released 2014 Talent Acquisition Survey revealed that recruitment professionals spend, on average, 32 hours per month managing and making sense of the data they have access to through current systems. The survey also revealed that a clear majority (67 percent) don’t trust the data they have, and an additional 75 percent say they have a difficult time sharing or explaining what the data means to those outside of HR. Jibe Insights has been developed to turn the tide against these discouraging figures, enabling talent acquisition executives to finally leverage data to manage their teams and business more efficiently and strategically.
To see Jibe Insights in action, 2014 HR Technology Conference attendees can visit Jibe’s booth (#2234). Also at the Jibe booth, attendees will hear from Jibe clients Microsoft and Informatica and how they’ve used Jibe’s mobile apply, job distribution and analytics solutions to improve their hiring efforts. Additionally, Comcast Cable’s VP of talent acquisition Raúl J. Valentín will co-present with Jibe CEO Joe Essenfeld in a breakout session on the global technology giant’s revolutionary use of Jibe Mobile Apply. For those not at the show, a Jibe Insights demos and more can be requested through the Jibe website.
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