Towers Watson (NYSE, NASDAQ: TW), a global professional services company, today announced the release of Talent|REWARD v7, the newest version of the company’s flagship software solution that helps organizations deliver comprehensive talent management and reward programs.
The new version of Talent|REWARD v7 provides a broad range of capabilities for organizations looking to improve business results through better management of HR processes and their employees. The solution was built based on feedback from over 300 clients and the hundreds of Towers Watson Talent and Rewards consultants who use the solution daily.
“Talent|REWARD v7 is truly a world-class software solution that lets organizations optimize and automate talent and reward programs,” said Tom Keebler, Towers Watson’s global practice leader for HR technology. “With talent management and compensation programs becoming so critical, organizations are turning more and more to technology to help them deliver these programs. We designed these latest enhancements to make sure our software solution will give managers and HR the flexibility and ease to meet their needs.
“It’s not just about the technology,” Keebler added. “Our solution is backed with the full support of Towers Watson’s industry-leading talent and reward management consulting capability and data. We help clients design programs and measure actual performance and returns for the business.”
The enhancements included in the latest release focus on three key themes:
* Usability. Personalized dashboards, one-click access to critical capabilities, and support for Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox allow users to leverage the technology and processes they are most comfortable with more efficiently.
* Leverage. The latest release now includes support for both Towers Watson job-levelling methodologies ¾ Career Map and Global Grading ¾ enabling clients to leverage their investment in the company’s proprietary approach to global job levelling.
* Speed. All users will benefit from a three- to fivefold increase in application responsiveness. This will help all managers and employees, as well as HR, realize the true value of an integrated talent management and reward solution.
Talent|REWARD v7 is available today and has already been deployed to over 300 clients. For more information, please visit
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