Take Regus’ short quiz below to find out what kind of Christmas worker you are, and then check out Steve Purdy, Regus UK Managing Director’s tips on how to be at your most productive this festive season…

1) You’re on a business flight when It’s a Wonderful Life comes on. Do you….

a) Put your work to one side, settle yourself in and start miming the dialogue word for word

b) Let out a long groan, turn off the screen and concentrate on perfecting the presentation you’re working on

c) Think to yourself ‘Crikey, it’s a bit early to be showing a Christmas film…

d) Shiver. All that snow makes you feel mighty chilly…


2) At the company Christmas drinks are you…

a) The last one standing. Always.

b) Covering your face in embarrassment as everyone else bellows out Band Aid

c) Running late – you thought the office party was next week

d) Secretly wishing your mulled wine was a Tequila Sunrise


3) You’ve drawn a name out of the company Secret Santa. Do you…

a) Start a thought shower of potential ideas in order to select the perfect gift

b) Buy socks, no matter who you pick

c) Forget and end up sheepishly proffering a spare ruler and old Mars bar you found in the bottom of your desk

d) Pick up something whilst you’re passing through the duty free


4) You join a conference call to find the other participants dissecting this year’s John Lewis Christmas ad. Do you…

a) Tell everyone how the ad made you cry like a baby

b) Suggest that time is short and it’s time to crack on

c) Exclaim that Christmas ads are shown earlier each year

d) Fall silent as you gaze longingly at the photo of last year’s holiday on your desk



If you picked mostly A’s you’re…Chrimbo Crazy!

Whether you’re at home or at work you take Christmas seriously. But fitting party planning, present buying and pudding making around your day job is a challenge.

Steve’s Tip: If you’ve got a busy social life and loads of Christmas preparation to do, then you need to be really clever about organising your work around the festivities. Avoid wasting precious time on the daily commute so you can get home to crack on with the important task of creating the best Christmas ever!

If you picked mostly B’s you’re…Scrooge!

Steve’s Tip: If the office cheer is getting you down and you’re tripping over the tinsel at home, you can take advantage of flexible workspaces. Most are only closed on the bank holidays. Just pitch up, plug in and enjoy the peace and quiet.

If you picked mostly C’s you’re…The Last Minute Merchant!

While your colleagues countdown to the big day, you’re blissfully unaware of the Christmas build-up…until it’s almost too late!

Steve’s Tip: If time is tight combine work with your Christmas preparation. For example, try shopping centre business lounges. where you can maximise your productivity by combining your last minute shopping dash with checking emails and making important calls.

If you picked mostly D’s you’re…The Escape Elf!

While your colleagues dream of a white Christmas you dream of sun, sea and sand.

Steve’s Tip: Business facilities are available at hotels, train stations, airports and motorway services globally, so you’ve got the flexibility to deal with emails, conference calls and other important tasks wherever and whenever you want. Leaving the Christmas period free to relaaaaax.

Regus provides serviced office accommodation, including both physical and virtual offices, meeting rooms and video-conferencing, covering 2000 locations worldwide. For more information visit their website.

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What kind of Christmas worker are you?

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Steff joined the HRreview editorial team in November 2014. A former event coordinator and manager, Steff has spent several years working in online journalism. She is a graduate of Middlessex University with a BA in Television Production and will complete a Master's degree in Journalism from the University of Westminster in the summer of 2015.