The UK has trailed many of its European & Scandinavian counterparts when it comes to shared parental leave, but no longer.
Expectant Parents with babies born or adopted on or after April 5th 2015 now have a choice in how they share their parental leave. This discussion will look at the take up over the first few months and examine the UK’s appetite for this forward-thinking approach. We will share case studies, look at best practice and offer some insights into the key lessons from the past few months.
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Jennifer Liston-Smith – My Family Care
Part of My Family Care’s senior management team, Jennifer leads in the development of coaching and consultancy services and of the coaching team. My Family Care partners with many of the most forward-thinking employers to help them become more family-friendly and retain talented employees in sectors such as global professional and financial services, science, engineering and technology, fast-moving consumer goods and multinationals in other sectors.
Emma Codd – Deloitte.
Emma Codd is Managing Partner for Talent of the UK firm and a member of the firm’s Executive. Emma is also a partner in the Forensic practice where she established and manages the Business Intelligence Services team, advising clients on the identification and mitigation of integrity and corruption risks when investing and operating in new geographical markets.
Emma’s previous roles include: the UK member of the Global Young Partner Advisory Council and Chair of the UK Executive Advisory Group. Prior to her appointment as Managing Partner for Talent Emma was heavily involved in Deloitte’s diversity, respect and inclusion agenda, including holding the role of sponsoring partner of the UK firm’s Women’s Network until her appointment to the Executive.
Carolanne Minashi – Head of EMEA Diversity, Employee Relations & Employee Engagement, EMEA
Carolanne joined Citi in 1986. Career highlights include innovating and implementing the Leadership Development curriculum for EMEA which later went on to become the global standard for management education at Citi and leading the Talent Management Strategy for the region – reengineering the way high potential talent is identified and developed for the business.
James Marsh – Symposium Events
James heads up Symposium Consulting in addition to running Symposium’s internal HR function. A former news editor for HRreview, James spent several years working in retail before his experiences as a line manager at various levels persuaded him to move to a career in human resources.
An avid HR blogger and tweeter on HR and management issues, James has worked as a recruiter and trainer and has expertise in both strategy as well as HR processes such as absence and performance management. He serves as the contact and coordinator for all Symposium consultancy projects, selecting the individuals or team of consultants to best serve our clients’ HR needs.
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