The pressure to make uninformed business decisions at work is contributing to employee stress, with one in five workers saying they fear making the wrong decision could cost them their job, according to research from business software solutions organisation Epicor Software Corporation.

The research, conducted by ICM, reveals that over three quarters of UK office workers (76%) have had to make blind decisions at some point in their working life, causing higher stress levels in 38 percent of respondents.

Keith Deane, EVP and General Manager International for Epicor Software, said:

“With the company’s reputation, revenue and staff welfare at stake, it’s vital that organisations put the technology and systems in place to enable employees to make confident decisions, particularly in high-pressure, fast moving industries such as manufacturing and distribution where there is little room for error.

“The fact that people get stressed when having to make decisions without the right information at their fingertips, and that they are concerned that it may cost them their job, is something that organisations need to take seriously.”

This stress is likely to be caused by concerns over the ramifications of uninformed decisions. Workers feel it could damage their personal reputation (32%), lead to poor personal performance (29%), or even losing their job (20%).

The impact of blind decision-making also affects the employer. Consequences to business include poor organisational performance (24%), loss of revenue (16%) and absenteeism (7%), which is often quoted as a result of stress placed on employees.

Despite these risks, many workers are frequently asked to make un-informed decisions with just under a third (23%) doing so on a weekly basis and 15% on a daily basis.

John Atherley, IT manager for Epicor ERP customer Maher Limited, and a committee member of the Epicor EMEA User Group said:

“With so much data now available to businesses, piecing it all together to provide actionable insight can be daunting. But in reality, the true value of informed decision making shouldn’t be underestimated. Since introducing an ERP system into our business, not only are employees happier and more confident, but we’ve been able to make better decisions, faster and grow our business significantly.”






Steff joined the HRreview editorial team in November 2014. A former event coordinator and manager, Steff has spent several years working in online journalism. She is a graduate of Middlessex University with a BA in Television Production and will complete a Master's degree in Journalism from the University of Westminster in the summer of 2015.