A new survey conducted by leading workplace and wellbeing platform Unmind reveals that almost nine in 10 (89%) HR leaders in the UK are gearing up to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their organisations.

Notably, two in five (42%) intend to primarily leverage AI to address workforce mental wellbeing challenges amidst a burnout crisis.

The research, analysing trends shaping mental wellbeing at work up to 2030, highlights the growing importance of AI in HR strategies.

AI Dominates HR Trends for the Years Ahead

The study, based on responses from 2000 UK HR leaders, indicates that AI is set to be a top priority for HR professionals, with 86 percent of respondents believing it will play a crucial role in the success of workplace mental health strategies by 2030. Despite concerns about privacy and security implications, 57 percent of HR leaders express optimism, anticipating a positive impact of AI on mental health in the workplace.

Preparations for AI implementation are already underway, with a third (33%) of HR leaders reporting the existence of well-established AI protocols in their organisations, while another 35 percent are in the process of developing their plans.

Concerns and Opportunities for AI Implementation

While HR leaders acknowledge the potential benefits of AI, 43 percent express worries that widespread adoption could lead to a lack of human touch and empathy, and 38 percent are concerned about potential ethical issues.

However, 93 percent believe that, if implemented correctly, AI will be integral to the success of HR functions by 2030.

Burnout Epidemic Sweeps Across UK Organisations

The research also sheds light on the burnout epidemic affecting UK organisations, with 89 percent of HR leaders acknowledging it as a significant issue. A staggering 72 percent report an increase in mental health-related employee absences. However, only 44 percent of HR leaders believe their leadership is fully committed to integrating wellbeing into organisational performance.

UK Companies Unprepared for Evolving Regulations

As regulations on reporting standards for mental health continue to evolve, 40 percent of HR leaders emphasise the importance of reporting on employee mental health within Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) for organisational transparency and accountability. However, only 36 percent feel well-equipped to meet evolving reporting standards.

While 55 percent of HR leaders are aware of reporting changes, many have not fully implemented the necessary measures. Additionally, only 42 percent confirm that all managers and leaders receive continuous mental health training.

Commenting on the findings, Dr. Nick Taylor, CEO, and Co-Founder of Unmind, highlighted the widespread issue of poor training and management of mental health issues in UK organisations. He emphasised the potential for AI to offer personalised support 24/7, allowing employees to overcome challenges and reach their goals while cautioning the importance of using AI safely and responsibly. Dr. Taylor urged organisations to actively create environments where every employee can flourish, leveraging AI for instant guidance and tailored education to build strong, psychologically safe teams.






Amelia Brand is the Editor for HRreview, and host of the HR in Review podcast series. With a Master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory, her particular interests within HR include employment law, DE&I, and wellbeing within the workplace. Prior to working with HRreview, Amelia was Sub-Editor of a magazine, and Editor of the Environmental Justice Project at University College London, writing and overseeing articles into UCL’s weekly newsletter. Her previous academic work has focused on philosophy, politics and law, with a special focus on how artificial intelligence will feature in the future.