In a move that has stirred both debate and discontent among its workforce, Amazon, the tech giant, has sent out cautionary emails to its US employees urging them to increase their in-office presence.

This decision comes as Amazon, along with other major corporations like Disney and Zoom, revaluates its remote work policies in the post-pandemic era.

The warning email, received by Amazon staff across the United States, came after the company tracked attendance and found some employees falling short of the newly established in-office expectations. The email stated that these employees were “not currently meeting our expectation of joining your colleagues in the office at least three days a week.”

Amazon’s directive to boost office attendance was put into effect in May, requiring employees to “badge in” at least three days a week. The email sent out this week highlighted those who had not adhered to this policy, particularly those who had spent fewer than three days a week in the office for five or more of the past eight weeks, or for three or more of the past four weeks.

Tensions are boiling

However, this announcement has raised concerns and tension within the company. Reports have emerged that some employees received the warning email in error, further straining relations. This comes after a previous walkout in June by certain Amazon employees who protested the return-to-office push. They cited a deteriorating morale within the company due to what they described as “short-sighted decisions” made by leadership.

Speculation abounds as to whether these warnings signify a potential increase in the strictness of attendance requirements. The Amazon workforce remains wary as they ponder the implications of this mandate on their work-life balance.

How is Amazon justifying this?

Responding to these concerns, Amazon clarified that the email was intended for those who had not met the attendance policy, despite the company having prepared its offices for employees’ return. The company acknowledged the potential for errors, stating, “While we’ve taken several steps to ensure this email went to the correct recipients, we recognise that there may be instances where we have it wrong.”

This shift in approach by Amazon mirrors a larger trend within the corporate world. With the pandemic-induced remote work becoming the norm for many companies, some are now reconsidering its long-term viability. Concerns about productivity have prompted several corporations to dial back their remote work policies. However, hybrid working arrangements, which combine remote and in-office work, are being adopted by the majority.

Amazon’s CEO, Andy Jassy, underlined the reasoning behind the change in a memo sent out in May. He emphasised that increased in-office presence would facilitate improved communication, career development, and corporate culture within the company.

As Amazon strives to strike a balance between the benefits of remote work and the advantages of in-person collaboration, its decision continues to spark discussion and challenge conventional notions of the post-pandemic workplace.

Leslie Tarnacki, Chief HR Officer at WorkForce Software, comments:

“We’ve entered an era where all workers expect flexibility. However, with further news of ‘return-to-office’ mandates and Big Tech companies now penalising staff for not spending sufficient time in the office, it begs the question – are companies now pulling back on flexible work?

“Today, employees want more control and flexibility over their schedules, often listing it as more important than compensation. Therefore, if businesses wish to retain staff, improving flexibility is vital. While flexible working is enjoyed by most office-based workers, those who work in shift-based roles often miss out on this benefit due to the complexities of their job.

“Fortunately, employers can utilise modern workforce management technologies to provide frontline workers with more control over their own schedules – allowing them to coordinate shifts around personal or work obligations, submit time-off requests, and gain access to real-time shift swapping. This level of flexibility for frontline staff, as well as those in HQ, will be a competitive differentiator in today’s war for talent.”






Amelia Brand is the Editor for HRreview, and host of the HR in Review podcast series. With a Master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory, her particular interests within HR include employment law, DE&I, and wellbeing within the workplace. Prior to working with HRreview, Amelia was Sub-Editor of a magazine, and Editor of the Environmental Justice Project at University College London, writing and overseeing articles into UCL’s weekly newsletter. Her previous academic work has focused on philosophy, politics and law, with a special focus on how artificial intelligence will feature in the future.