Two-fifths (41%) of young Britons aged between 18 and 24 say there aren’t enough jobs for older people to be in work and 14% claim older people should retire to make way for younger staff, according to new research from home and care provider, Anchor.
One fifth (21%) said they believe the over-60s are slower and less productive than their junior counterparts, with one in 20 claiming they should be paid less because they work at a slower pace.
Jane Ashcroft, Chief Executive of Anchor, said:
“Casual ageism has no place in society and these results bear no reality to the lives of the over-60s in England today who are active, energetic and contribute hugely to many of the most successful businesses and organisations in the country. The dismissive attitudes highlighted by Anchor’s research towards the over-60s are a sad indictment of attitudes in England.”
To try and tackle the misconceptions about older people, Anchor is launching ‘Grey Pride’, a nationwide petition to 10 Downing Street calling for Britain to appoint a dedicated minister for older people.Jane Ashcroft added:
“Within the Government’s equality agenda there is a dedicated minister for women, the disabled and children, but none for older people, who represent nearly 25% of the population. Anchor’s Grey Pride campaign will redress the balance, reclaim growing old as a positive experience and break down the barriers preventing older people leading happy, fulfilling lives.”
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