When it comes to recruitment we are no longer constricted by a one way process. The internet and social media have brought about a multitude of recruitment processes that make finding talent more accessible.

According to data from the Global Recruiting Trends 2015 report by LinkedIn, 74 percent of recruiters source a large proportion of their candidate applications through job boards. Job boards are also top of charts when finding and employing quality hires in the UK (68%).  Social professional networks closely follow at 53 percent.

Talent brand also has a significant impact on global talent acquisition leaders’ abilities to hire talent (75%).

Looking towards the future, professional and social networks are likely to remain one of the top choices when sourcing new talent, according to talent leaders. Just over half (53%) believe this will also result in better candidate and job matching.

See the infographic created by Lucas Blake below for more detail:












Amie Filcher is an editorial assistant at HRreview.