HRReview speaks to Benedikt Dischinger, Vice President Finance and People & Culture, DocuWare.

Hi Benedikt, firstly, can you introduce us to DocuWare and its services?

What a pleasure to be interviewed by the HRReview. At DocuWare, we specialise in delivering document management and workflow automation solutions to businesses spanning various industries across more than 100 countries. Currently, our services are trusted by 17,000 customers, with over 9,000 of them opting for the cloud-based version.

Tell us a little about yourself and your role at DocuWare?

I hold the position of VP of Finance and People & Culture and have been part of the DocuWare team since 2016. A big part of my responsibility is to support the company’s growth.

My team and I are fully committed to boosting DocuWare’s performance and growth by prioritising our corporate culture and the well-being of our employees. I firmly believe in the transformative power of talent development and fostering a supportive, collaborative corporate culture. We want our employees to work in an environment where they can thrive and contribute their very best.

What guidance would you give to HR leaders aiming to safeguard the future resilience of their organisations?

To future-proof your organisation, it’s crucial to think ahead and embrace digital tools and tech solutions. In today’s business world, where we’re all dealing with increasing inflation, energy costs, and a shortage of workers, managing these challenges becomes a lot easier when you combine embrace digitisation.

With so many technology platforms out there, I’d tell all HR leaders to consider going for a comprehensive Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution. ECM doesn’t just simplify processes; it sparks a digital transformation that leads to greater efficiencies.

I believe that opting for a flexible ECM solution isn’t just a smart move; it’s a statement. It shows that your organisation is a leader in leveraging technology to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and ensure lasting success. Adopting an ECM is more than a strategic decision; it’s a step that not only tackles current challenges but positions your business for long-term success.

Looking ahead, what do you think will be the gaps between what employers are offering and what employees want? And how would you suggest bridging those gaps?

The major gap we’re looking at between what employers are putting on the table and what employees are after boils down to flexibility in work arrangements. Since the pandemic, people want more say in when and where they work. To bridge that gap, I suggest employers go for hybrid working models. That way, employees can choose a reasonable balance between the work place and the home office.

To make this work, companies must invest in technology supporting remote work. That’s what we’re doing at DocuWare —ensuring our people can work how they want to. Technology is the key player here, making both employers and employees happy and attracting top talent.

And speaking of tech, let’s talk again about ECM solutions. They’re becoming a crucial tool for sharing information and improving collaboration. The automated workflows they bring to the table are game changers that boost productivity.

How do you believe companies need to evolve to remain attractive to employees and prospective hires in 2024 and beyond?

Businesses across all industries must shift gears and prioritise digitalisation and technology adoption. Leaders need to understand that digitising data and automating processes isn’t just about staying in the “tech loop”, it’s about helping employees be productive and engaged.

As we step into 2024, a robust tech infrastructure isn’t just a nice-to-have – it’s a commitment from employers to their team’s future. Take our organisation for example. In the face of challenges, we turned to our own DocuWare solutions, centralising, organising and securing data that we use every day.

To truly thrive, leaders need to see technology as an investment – one that’s essential for adapting, retaining, and competing effectively. It’s not just about keeping up; it’s about leading the charge into a future where tech and culture go hand in hand.

Finally, can you tell us what you believe are some of the trends for the future of work?

Let’s start with digitalisation. A gradual shift toward digitisation in various processes, involving employees across departments, builds confidence and prevents investments in ineffective systems. For HR in particular, prioritising digitisation streamlines record and contract management, enhances diversity in hiring, and improves the onboarding process. This, in turn, empowers teams with data-driven insights, addressing employee needs and fostering engagement.

On that, centralising data accessible to all stakeholders is imperative for informed data-led decision-making. This not only aids in improving diversity and inclusion efforts but also enables businesses to create inclusive workplaces and enhance recruitment. Leveraging data-driven insights from employee feedback, surveys, and market data forms the foundation for informed business strategies and fosters collaboration.

Now, let’s discuss automation. Workflow automation tools emerge as time-saving and efficiency-boosting, as they remove the risk of error caused by manual input. The detailed selection of tasks for automation, supported by accurate data, ensures long-term cost savings, heightened employee satisfaction, and a touch of being future-ready.

In light of continued hybrid work models, cloud-based platforms for remote access to documents and workflows are imperative, ensuring both security and scalability. Investing in these platforms not only enhances collaboration but also positions businesses as competitive and attractive to a diverse workforce seeking flexible work environments.

Finally, the topic of sustainability. In the face of escalating climate change concerns, businesses must embrace sustainable practices. Even simple initiatives like going ‘paper-light’ through digitising smaller tasks can contribute to waste reduction. Establishing a sustainable workplace culture not only aligns with environmental benefits but also enhances a company’s reputation, and long-term viability, and appeals to skilled workers who prioritise sustainability.