I’m already groaning at the resolutions I’m programmed to promise myself, knowing full well in two weeks’ time I’ll be back on the wine with a candidate crisis as the perfect justification. Despite the empty promises to myself of the 10lb weight drop and to steer clear of the pucey nectar there are some more pressing resolutions that come to mind that I am determined to follow through.
Our recent HR survey* identified the most common reason people give for leaving their business was career progression at 44.1%, quite startling really when redundancies are still commonplace, which came in second 23.5%. This really highlights that our clients’ resolutions need to be focussed on talent acquisition and development.
To add pounds to their recruitment, recruiters really need to resolve to evaluate ongoing development and opportunities as part of the recruitment process, in order to increase stability and reduce churn. Progression plans and objectives are becoming more and more popular, even at the recruitment phase. The more you commit to up front, and the more you deliver, the more likely you will be to keep employees longer.
You need to stay looking good to employees if you want to keep them throughout the year and further. Investing in development and planning career opportunities is not a detox you can do in January but rather like the lifestyle choice to eat better, its ongoing and takes commitment.
We’re also going to be impressing on clients the importance of clear communication and establishing common values which new employees can identify with, and which will help to bed in candidates at the early stages. This is vital, but only works if the values and communications are constantly evaluated.
Our final project of 2010 was to create a mission statement and our objectives for 2011 together,. We identified the need to be inclusive during a recent development programme. Get everyone involved to share values, have a voice and find a common theme we can all commit to. The side effect should not only be increased retention but it means we’re fighting fit for January’s inevitable talent war, even if we are maybe carrying a little bit of extra holiday weight.
*If you would like a copy of Poolia’s HR survey or help with any recruitment please contact Nicola directly at [email protected].
Nicola Smith, Executive Recruitment Consultant, Poolia
With six years' experience in recruiting commercial appointments across a number of disciplines and a variety of industries, Nicola is Executive Consultant in Poolia's HR division. Her specialisation is placing mid to senior level permanent HR staff in project, strategic, tactical and operational roles across the entire spectrum of the Human Resources function. Her are of particular interest are learning and development, employee relations, employment law, organisational develop and HRIS and reward.
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