Whilst social networking is the most significant force to hit the internet since the web was invented, why is it that only 5% of people are currently finding their jobs through a social networking platform? The fact that the recruitment industry in the UK has been so unaffected by social networking seems strange when other industries such as communications (Facebook), retail (Ebay) and entertainment (YouTube) have been totally reshaped. Whilst organisations are understanably treading carefully in using this new phenomenon to find the very best talent, the inevitability that recruitment will be totally reshaped by the power of the crowd to unleash information, knowledge and job opportunities is, we think, without doubt.
There are very clearly major risks for both job seekers (dodgy profiles) and organisations (reputations potentially threatened online) – however employers and employees are going to be forced to navigate these hurdles to make use of the new channels and opportunities and most importantly improved economics of hiring a more connected and interactive world has to offer. The fascinating thing for all of us involved with HR is going to be to watch how this social networking recruitment future pans out, and who the winners and losers are.
James Uffindell, MD and Founder of The Bright Network
James started his first business aged nine, another one at 14. In his last year at university James setup an organisation, Oxbridge Applications, to help people apply to university and at 25, went on to co-found a social enterprise. While James has lived and breathed the commercial world for 10 years, when he left university he really had no idea as to what to do, or even how to go about it.
While some friends found their way into investment banking and law, many were left baffled and floundering. As James met more and more bright graduates who felt similarly, lacking in guidance he decided to set up The Bright Network.
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