Culture Amp explore how an investment in employee development can improve the employee experience. Donwload below.

Culture Amp explore how an investment in employee development can improve the employee experience. Donwload below.

When it comes to the employee experience, people leaders tend to focus primarily on outcomes – be  it survey results or performance reports. However, as organizations strive to optimize and improve the holistic experience, a focus on the process of achieving those outcomes can make a massive impact. Culture Amp’s people scientists have looked at data from more than 9.5 million employees across 5,500+ organizations, and have identified growth and development as key drivers of engagement, retention, and business performance.

It’s critical for organizations to take a thoughtful and strategic approach to employee development, but traditional approaches to development take a great deal of time and individualized support. Employees are typically expected to squeeze time into their day-to-day or outside of work hours to drive their own development, and managers often don’t have the bandwidth or resources to provide support. Left to their own devices, employees can easily get stuck or focus on skills that are out of sync with the company’s long-term goals.

Your company can overcome these challenges by taking a new approach to the employee development process. HR has an incredible opportunity to empower managers and individual contributors with a structure or framework that embeds development into the employee experience. Before implementing a new process, company-wide buy-in is a must.

In this report, we’ll share key findings, tips, and best practices from our people scientists that demonstrate how an investment in employee development can improve the employee experience in three key areas: retention, engagement, and performance.

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