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Talent Management and Leadership Development Summit 2013 – Documentation

Original price was: £89.00.Current price is: £59.00. ex VAT

Purchase the documentation provided to delegates (as a pdf), including presentation slides.

This summit has been specifically designed to help you review and reinvigorate your talent management and leadership development strategies.

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You can purchase the conference documentation as provided to delegates, including the presentation slides (as a PDF), clicking the ‘Add to cart’ button above. [tab: Summary] This summit has been specifically designed to help you review and reinvigorate your talent management and leadership development strategies.

  • As the economic recovery develops, this event will help you stop any growth fuelled ‘talent drift’.
  • You’ll learn to effectively predict potential
  • Develop innovative ways to compete in the war for talent
  • Understand how the psychological employment contract is changing, and how we should be responding to this.
  • Hear case studies from leaders in the field.
  • Discuss strategies and network with your peers in our interactive Knowledge Share Sessions
  • And leave with practical ideas to develop your talent and leadership practices.
[tab: Presentation]

The “Talent Management and Leadership Development Summit 2013″ conference documentation includes the following sessions:

Session 1

Introduction and opening address by conference chair

Paul Hills, Head of Leadership Strategy, Consulting and Development Penna PLC

Session 2

Developing great leaders to aid talent retention

  • Cultivating the right leadership styles for your organization and workforce
  • Improving performance and engagement
  • Ensuring you engage and retain the right people

Melody Moore, Management Consultant Hay Group

Session 3

Innovative leadership development

  • Defining leadership talent types
  • Leadership development propositions
  • The talent assessment traps
  • Setting expectations & measuring leadership – standards and KPI’s
  • Linking talent, leadership and performance management

Christoph Williams, Senior Manager – Talent & Performance Sony Europe

Session 4

Examining the reality of succession plans

  • Partnership approach to succession management strategies
  • Measuring the KPI’s and succession planning success
  • Developing for top team succession
  • Practical tips – from a global to a local perspective

Adrian Davies, Secretary General Bentley Motors

Session 5

Managing a fundamental shift in talent requirements

  • A changing business model
  • Identifying the new talent required
  • Can the old talent be changed?

Kevan Sproul, HR Director SITA UK

Session 6

Global talent mobility

  • Developing global leaders across boarder and cultures
  • Embedding the right behaviours
  • Attracting international and global expertise
  • Standardising processes and systems to ensure consistency on a global scale

Ed Griffin, Group HRD, CSM Sport & Entertainment 

Session 7

Developing talent management and leadership development strategies for success

  • Improving leadership capability
  • Embedding culture change
  • Talent Management initiatives to increase engagement

Karen Moran, Director of Resourcing, Talent & Leadership, BBC People British Broadcasting Corporation

Session 8

Developing women into leadership positions

  • Creating strong female talent pipelines
  • The role coaching can play in effective leadership development for women
  • Examining the business case for getting it right

Penny de Valk, Chief Executive Cedar

Session 9

Talent Management, Employee Engagement and everything ‘in between’: How organisations are ‘jumping up the curve’ to improve/sustain organisation performance

    Nicholas J Higgins, CEO of VaLUENTiS, explains how organisations and their HR functions use the Talent Management Pathfinder™ to ‘connect the dots’ by applying advanced evaluation techniques and methodologies to create leading edge talent management and employee engagement intelligence to boost organisation performance.

The workshop presents case study examples and contains a number of quick ‘walk-through’ exercises leaving you in no doubt as to where the next ‘big thing’ in HR is… Nicholas J Higgins CEO VaLUENTiS Ltd

Session 10

Discussion session: Navigating the challenges of Talent Management

    From creating the business case to defining reward, this session looks to share the approach that 3663 have taken to re-defining their talent strategy and gain buy in from the board. The challenges they must overcome are the same for many organisations and this session will allow delegates to share and debate differing approaches to talent management.

Facilitated by: Shelley Hayward, Talent Manager 3663

Session 11

The future of leadership and talent: is your organisation prepared for 2030?

Knowledge share networking wine and workshop Director of leadership and talent at Hay Group, Yvonne Sell, will lead a roundtable session on the evolution of leadership and talent. Exploring unique research into the global megatrends of the next 15 years, and their implications for HR professionals; this knowledge share session will give you the opportunity to debate with your peers over refreshments.

[tab: Speakers]


Awaiting portraitPaul Hills, Head of Leadership Strategy, Consulting and Development, Penna PLC

Paul is Head of Leadership Strategy within Penna’s Consulting and Development business, which provides services relating to Leadership Consulting, Talent Identification, Talent Development and people solutions to deliver change. These activities include Change Management, Leadership Consulting and Development, Board and Executive Coaching, Assessment and Learning and Development. Paul has worked in this area or over 23 years and has an extensive track record in working with multinational businesses, professional services organisations and Public Sector organisations, from board level to the front line. He has helped organisations to develop corporate and business unit strategies by acting as coach/mentor to managers and management teams, designed and facilitated “away day” sessions for senior management teams and developed and implemented extensive change programmes. This has seen him work with Local Government, Universities as well as companies such as EMI, Transport for London, Waters Corporation, British Airways, BAT, AT&T, Barclays, Tui and Halifax. Paul has also been a visiting lecturer in strategy on Henley’s MBA programme.

Adrian DaviesAdrian Davies, Secretary General, Bentley Motors

Adrian started his career with BMW Group, undertaking a number of commercial roles before leaving in 2004 to join the Management Consulting firm Accenture where he worked globally on a variety of client projects. It was during this time that a personal interest in organisational development started to emerge. Before returning to focus on the automotive sector in 2009, Adrian spent time as the Head of Organisation Development at the insurer Aviva; then joined Bentley Motors as their Global Head of Dealer Academy, also gaining responsibility for enhancing the international customer experience of the brand. From May 2012, he has been Secretary General at Bentley directly supporting the Chairman & CEO, working with the Board and senior teams to facilitate key corporate activities, drive organisational change and business performance improvement. A critical aspect of the role is to work closely with the HR function and across the business to help shape and implement a people development strategy that directly supports the 2018 business goals. Adrian is also a Board Member of the Institute of the Motor Industry and is passionate about improving the wider reputation and quality of the sector.

Karen MoranKaren Moran, Director of Resourcing, Talent & Leadership, BBC People, British Broadcasting Corporation

Karen has had a career in HR spanning over 20 years. She joined Nokia back in the early 90′s, just as they were setting up their first UK office and spent the next 10 years supporting its extremely rapid growth, including being closely involved in the set up of its Learning & Development function. Realising that her passion was around HR in organisations facing huge change, Karen then moved on to Commercial Law firm, Eversheds, where she spent the next 7 years. In a very different culture, Karen was key in influencing a more innovative style of HR practice. The recession was a strong lever in getting HR noticed by the business and in her time at Eversheds, Karen was responsible for a number of large change/ downsizing programmes including office closures and outsourcing of various business support functions. In September 2009 Karen joined BBC and since 2011 has been the Director of Resourcing, Talent and Leadership. In her current role she plays a key role in BBC talent management, as well as developing strategies to strengthen leadership capability and increase employee engagement.

Nicholas HigginsNicholas Higgins, Founder & CEO, VaLUENTiS Ltd

Nicholas J Higgins is founder and CEO of VaLUENTiS and Dean of the International School of Human Capital Management. He is a noted expert in human capital management and organisational behaviour/performance. He has successfully worked with a significant number of organisations in the FTSE 100/Euro 300/S&P 500 companies, along with those ‘in local government, NHS and higher education. He is also a regular speaker at events and regarded as an influential force in people management, for example, appearing in HR magazine’s HR Most Influential 2010 & 2011. NJH is noted for his ability to challenge everyday thinking whilst offering pragmatic insights and solutions. He is the architect behind a number of groundbreaking ideas, notably Value-based HR, The 5D Employee Engagement model, Management Pathfinder/VB-HR Rating, Human Capital Reporting Standards (GHCRS2006) and the Human Capital Composite Index (HCCI). As Dean of The International School of Human Capital Management, he was the original course programme director and architect behind the HCMI Masters qualification. NJH is a DrHCMI, holds an MSc in Finance from the London Business School, and an MBA and Diploma in Management from the Open Business School. He is a Chartered Manager by profession (MCMI), a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM US), The American Psychological Association (APA) and The American Society for Quality (ASQ). He previously worked at top global consulting firms PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Human Capital Management), Towers Perrin (Strategy & Organisation) and Watson Wyatt (Human Capital Measurement). This spell in management consulting followed a successful management career spanning 15 years running various growth operations incorporating both organic and acquisition strategies. Higgins has authored a number of articles including the Journal of Applied Human Capital Management – a dedicated journal for practitioners. Seminal papers include Competitive advantage through strategic human capital management, Devising an HCM strategy, Employee engagement (various), Talent Management, Evidence-based leadership, Organisation engagement: evaluating your human capital management signature, Brave new HR World, Real HR transformation and HR operational excellence. NJH is currently completing several publications on Employee Engagement and Human Capital Management Strategy. More @ NicholasJHiggins@com. E-mail: [email protected].

Yvonne SellYvonne Sell, UK Director for Leadership and Talent, Hay Group

Yvonne helps client organisations work by assisting leaders to gain traction, improve individual and business performance, and design and implement competency and talent management systems. She is currently co-authoring a book on Leadership 2030 and regularly presents at conferences. Her most recent article was ‘Growing the talent garden’. Originally from Canada, Yvonne has worked with a numerous local and global organisations in the leadership and talent areas, helping define strategies and processes to drive performance. Yvonne has worked with a wide range of organisations including RBS, RSA, AstraZeneca, Vodafone, BP, BT Group, Standard & Poor’s, RasGas, Husky Energy, Syncrude, Barclays and other global companies. She also leads Hay Group’s relationships with global clients. Prior to joining Hay Group, Yvonne worked at Deloitte and as an independent consultant, managing large scale change management programmes. Prior to completing her PhD, Yvonne was a line manager for a large retail organisation. Yvonne has a PhD in Industrial/Organisational Psychology and retains a keen interest in leadership research, as long as it’s practical.

female-silhouette-150x150pxShelley Hayward, Talent Manager, 3663

Appointed to the role of Talent Manager at 3663 in 2013, Shelley is responsible for defining the talent requirements now and in the future for one of the UK’s leading Food Service organisation. As with many organisations, her role is to navigate the challenges facing Talent Managers including how to get buy in to change, managing the exceptional commitment of its employees in line with fulfilling others potential and budget constraints. Shelley’s previous roles have allowed her to experience the differing approaches to Organisation Development in public, private and start-up organisations. Shelley started her career in HR with the Government Office North West, before moving south to join Wincanton a leading Third Party Supply Chain organisation where she was responsible for supporting the development of their High Performers. Shelley’s passion for supporting people fulfilling their potential, then took her to UK Shared Business Centre (UK SBS), where she was to support the start-up and establishment of the People Team. Working with the Board she supported the change and transformation projects within Procurement and Customer Services and implemented the Learning & Development Strategy.

Ed Griffin,Ed Griffin, Group HRD, Chime Sports Marketing

Ed is an experienced international HR Director & Organisational Development consultant who has helped transform HR organisations and enable senior leaders to develop and deliver organisational strategy with greater impact. He is recognised as a thought- and practice -leader in HR and OD who brings a pragmatic improvement-focused approach to his clients. His experience of working in HR, OD and Finance roles gives him a unique perspective that combines organisational performance and human factors. He’s written articles and conducted research on a range of HR topics. He is the lead editor of a new book on Od to be published by Gower later this year.

Penny de ValkPenny de Valk, Chief Executive, Cedar

Penny de Valk, Chief Executive of talent management consultancy, Cedar, is an expert commentator on leadership, careers and the workplace who can provide fresh, succinct analysis on topical business issues of the day. With almost 20 years experience in leadership and management consultancy, Penny is an experienced and respected media speaker. Named as one of HR Magazine’s most influential thinkers, she has regularly been interviewed for BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio Five Live, Financial Times, Daily Telegraph and The Guardian. Penny was appointed CEO of talent management consultancy, Cedar in October 2011. For over 20 years, Cedar has been helping organisations improve the performance of their managers and leaders through talent management, leadership development, and high impact coaching. Prior to joining Cedar, Penny de Valk was Chief Executive at the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) for four years. Before this she ran the EAP and HR consulting businesses in the UK for Ceridian, a US$1.5bn HR services organisation. Born in New Zealand, Penny moved to the UK sixteen years ago, before which she was Chief Executive of New Zealand’s Institute of Management in Auckland. For more information about Cedar, visit:

Melody MooreMelody Moore, Management Consultant, Hay Group

Melody combines her psychological expertise and management experience to help clients become high performing organisations. She helps them get the best from their staff, resulting in a happier, more motivated and productive workforce. Melody has worked with a wide variety of clients in the public and private sector, projects include:

  • High potential assessments for a global pharmaceutical company
  • Design of induction and behavioural development workshops for a number of global banks
  • Leadership development programmes for a global telecommunications client
  • Coaching a range of managers in the public and private sector
  • Team development workshops for a range of teams across the public and private sector
  • Executive assessments and development profiling for a range of NHS organisations

Melody specialises in leadership development, coaching, team development and assessment. Working with individuals, groups and teams, Melody uses her coaching and facilitation skills to help organisations and individuals learn how to turn potential into high performance. Prior to joining Hay Group, Melody was part of the consultancy management team for a UK firm of occupational psychologists. Before that she spent a number of years working in management roles in the NHS in South Wales and North West London

Kevan SproulKevan Sproul, HR Director, SITA UK

Kevan Sproul was appointed to the SITA UK Board in November 2002 as Human Resources Director, following a number of years working within the hospitality and service industry. Kevan’s areas of expertise include employee relations and organisational change.

Christoph WilliamsChristoph Williams, Senior Manager – Talent & Performance, Sony Europe Limited

Christoph Williams is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and HR professional with a career history spanning industry, academia and consultancy. Previous employers include Shell UK Ltd, Advanced Personnel Technology, University of Surrey, Safeway Stores plc Interactive Skills, BSkyB and now Sony Europe. Christoph has several international publications and is fascinated by human behaviour in all types of settings. His current responsibilities include Talent & Performance Management, Leadership Development and Innovation. He is married with 3 children, the last two of which he delivered at home using hypno-birthing. [tab: Sponsors] CedarCedar Cedar is a consulting firm that helps organisations improve the performance of their managers and leaders. Our focus is on client success, which we have delivered through coaching, leadership and talent development programmes for over 20 years. We apply this experience to our clients’ cultures, business situations, strategies and aspirations, delivering individual and organisational performance improvement through behavioural and cultural change. We equip leaders, managers and their teams to meet and exceed their challenges by focusing on three aspects of development: what people know, what they do, and who they are. We back this up by robust and transparent evaluation to deliver transformed business performance. Clients tell us that the work we do helps them to help themselves. Their investment delivers improvements for individuals, and the organisation, long after our engagement has ended Our areas of expertise include Management development, Leadership development, Team effectiveness, Coaching, Technical professional development, Assessment, Talent audits, Talent strategy

Hay GroupHay Group logo

Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with organisations to transform strategy into reality. We develop talent, organise people to be more effective and motivate them to perform at their best. Our expertise has been developed through 70 years of experience which is backed by high quality research and authoritative databases of organisational management information. Our clients are from the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, across every major industry worldwide. Hay Group has a proven portfolio of services that improve performance and help organisations work – From bespoke consultancy to self-service tools supporting recurring HR processes. Our areas of expertise:  Leadership transformation  Reward services  Culture transformation  Talent management  Organisational design and effectiveness  Strategic workforce planning  Employee engagement  Capability assessment  Mergers and acquisitions  Job evaluation  HR transformation  Performance management Hay Group UK website: Hay Group UK Atrium website for our self service HR tools:


VaLUENTiS (‘The New Art of People Science’) – are the pioneering professional services firm of the last decade in Human Capital Management and Employee Engagement servicing clients across all sectors. In 2011 the company was a winner of the WorldFinance100 award for innovative solutions such as the Management Pathfinder/HCM Evaluator®, Employee Engagement 5D® framework, Human Capital Reporting Standards (GHCRS2006) and the Human Capital Composite Index (HCCI™). VaLUENTiS sister organisation – The International School of Human Capital Management is a leading business school dedicated to enhancing people management expertise and knowledge in organizations offering a variety of courses supplementing its flagship HCMI qualification. For further information see: and

Penna Plc

In today’s fast moving world, finding the time and resources to deliver truly effective development programmes for your leaders is a real challenge. As experts in leadership development, Penna understands the importance of effective leadership and its impact on engagement, motivation and ultimately organisational performance. We work with leading organisations to implement large leadership programmes that deliver lasting and measureable results. Penna is a global HR Services Group. Our solutions span the entire employment lifecycle from attraction and communications, managed recruitment and assessment, executive search, executive interim and assessment to coaching, learning and development, consulting solutions and outplacement.


Cornerstone OnDemand Integrated Talent Management Solutions Cornerstone OnDemand is elevating the concept of what talent management software can do for your business. We put employees at the center of the strategy, providing them with a one-stop, collaborative destination where meaningful work gets done and where they have easy, convenient access to the resources and information they need, across multiple devices. And our cloud is the catalyst that brings it all to life. Find out how we can help your organisation empower the connected workplace, enable any time/anywhere work, create a skills marketplace and facilitate the ways that work really gets done today. Visit us at About us: Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ:CSOD) is a global leader of cloud-based talent management software solutions. Over 12 million users across 190 countries rely on Cornerstone to maximise their potential, develop their skills and foster new levels of collaboration. Cornerstone empowers some of the world’s leading organisations, such as Starwood Hotels & Resorts, The Neiman Marcus Group, Save the Children, Turner Broadcasting System, Virgin Media and Pinkberry, to engage their workforces and leverage people performance for greater business results. Based on Cornerstone’s pure cloud architecture, Cornerstone’s comprehensive solution helps organisations manage the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring through to retirement. Talent Management Solutions: Cornerstone Recruitment Cloud, for social recruitment, sourcing, on-boarding and planning of talent Cornerstone Performance Cloud, for managing the performance, succession and compensation of your workforce Cornerstone Learning Cloud, for training, development and certification of employee skills and expertise Cornerstone Extended Enterprise Cloud, for managing and training your extended network of customers and partners Visit us at Workplace HealthcareWorkplace Healthcare logo Workplace healthcare & wellbeing has certainly moved forward in the last ten years, quite possibly the word ‘wellbeing’ would not have even been used, but is now regularly applied in the corporate world when referring to the physical & mental state of your workforce. Keeping your staff healthy typically involved occupational health, physio and compliance with health & safety, perhaps with some health perks within your employee benefit packages. These remain important elements, however… There is a bigger picture. Increasingly companies are realizing that the ongoing wellbeing of their people is paramount. Historically treatment has been reactive, this has now been allied with a proactive approach, the philosophy ‘prevention is better than cure’ has been adopted by organisations that want to keep their people fit, active and productive.

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