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Graduate Recruitment Forum 2011 – Documentation

Original price was: £89.00.Current price is: £39.00. ex VAT

For future success, organisations’ need to create attractive and successful graduate

campaigns: to attract the brightest talent, to be able to deal with high volumes of applications

and engage with the next generation of graduates. All whilst improving the value and return on

the graduate proposition.

This event will examine how you can combat the challenges surrounding graduate recruitment

and development and will features best practice case studies from many leading industry

professionals including: PricewaterhouseCoopers who have been placed top of the times 100

list of graduate employers as well as winning numerous awards, Citi Group who have formed a

transferable five step process to perfect their graduate recruitment scheme and Teach First

who can offer you guidance on how to establish yourself in the market, to name but a few.

You can purchase the conference documentation as provided to delegates, including the presentation slides (as a PDF).



You can purchase a pdf of the conference documentation as provided to delegates, including the presentation slides (as a PDF), clicking the ‘Add to cart’ button above.


The “Graduate Recruitment Forum 2011″ conference documentation includes the following sessions:

Session 1

Establishing Yourself as a Major Player in the Market

James Darley, Director of Graduate Recruitment Teach First

Session 2

Building an Attractive Graduate Scheme

Helen Bostock Global Head Graduate & Embark, Resourcing & Development Barclays Wealth

Session 3

Who, What, Where, When:Global Recruitment

Jenny Bekenn, Client Services Director GTI Recruiting Solutions

Session 4

Why are we Developing Graduates? A Journey from Strategic Alignment to ROI

Yannis Batsakoutsas, Graduate Development Manager EMEA Citi

Session 5

Moulding Graduates for Your Business

Rachel Rotherham, Graduate Programme Manager The Co-operative Group

Session 6

Developing a Graduate Programme from Scratch

Ayesha Rahman, Reach Change Project Partner GMPTE

Session 7

Rebuilding Your Employer Brand

Ranjini Sachin, Graduate Recruitment Manager and Katya Verdonck, Head of Resourcing EDF Energy

Session 8

Changing Graduate Programmes to Reflect the Climate

Philip Wilson, Chief Psychologist and Head of Marketing Cabinet Office

Session 9

 Using Social Media as a Tool for Recruitment

Vanessa Soames, Recruitment Marketing Senior Manager KPMG

Session 10

Recruitment Toolkit – Working with Universities to Attract Graduates

Alice Hickman Graduate Recruitment, Manager University of Portsmouth

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