Make the most out of your employee feedback
Free live webinar 2nd May @4pm
Collecting feedback has its challenges. While the majority (59%) of HR pros believe they get the right amount of employee feedback, over a quarter (29%) say they don’t get enough.* Of course, a critical component of is getting feedback that is open and honest, and here 72% are concerned that feedback doesn’t reflect how employees actually feel.
In this webinar SurveyMonkey will show you top tips for creating surveys that help you capture relevant feedback. We will discuss how to set yourself up for success using survey best practices as well as tips for analysing your feedback.
You will learn:
- Survey design – designing your survey in a way that optimises data collection
- Survey frequency – how often should you survey your employees
- The steps to analyse your data to unlock the most insights
- Integrations that can help you get more value from your surveys
- Turning insights into action
If your surveys are already built out and collecting data, not to worry – you can use what you learn in this webinar to revamp your surveys and start analysing your data like a pro!
Join Lily Walling, Solutions Engineer at SurveyMonkey and James Marsh from HRreview as they guide you towards getting the most out of your employee feedback.
Register today!
Join our Expert Panel of Speakers
Hosted by: James Marsh
Guest Expert: Lily Walling, Solutions Engineer at SurveyMonkey
Lily’s passion for interacting with individuals and ensuring positive customer experiences has been the uniting thread in her varied work history.
She has experience working on the customer success and customer support side of fast-paced growing startups, leading a customer support team at an established tech company, as well as facilitating group workout classes.
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