What are the most 'unique' job perks?

As nearly two-thirds of employees have said they would take a job with a lower salary for better benefits, research has been taken in to the most “unique” office perks on offer in the UK.

Adzuna, a job site has compiled a list of job perks that are not seen as the norm as it emerges that 60 per cent of workers would take a lower salary for better benefits.

See below the top 10 “unusual” job perks:

  • Hangover days

The UK loses over 17 million working days each year due to alcohol-related illnesses. Due to this, some companies offer their employees a number of at-home hangover days. London events company, Dice offer their staff four hangover days a year.

  • ‘Pawternity’ leave

Some businesses across the UK actually offer their workers ‘pawternity’ leave, allowing them to take time off to look after and help settle in their new dog. Companies to offer this perk include brewery company BrewDog and food manufacturer Mars Petcare, who give their employees up to one week’s paid pawternity leave.

Many companies across the UK have designated nap rooms on-site, allowing employees to get some sleep while at work. Google has introduced the idea of nap pods, where employees can go take a nap in a designated area of the office.

  • Hair and beauty discounts

A number of UK businesses invest in the appearance and upkeep of their staff, offering on-site hairdressers and beauty salons, or a discount to local hair and beauty salons.

  • Christmas shopping days

Some companies in the UK offer their employees a paid day off in the festive period to go shopping. Currently, there are 130 listed jobs on Adzuna that offer this perk.

  • Free food

An increasing number of businesses provide free meals to their staff, especially those in the hospitality industry.

  • Travel

Accommodation provider Airbnb offers free company holidays or travel credit to explore the world.

  • On-site medical care

Law firm Allen & Overy champion this, and have an on-site GP and dentist at their London HQ.

  • Language lessons

Certain companies offer free language lessons to their staff, currently there are 167 vacancies on Adzuna offering this.

Andrew Hunter, the co-founder of Adzuna, said:

Office perks really encapsulate the heart and soul of a business and show employees that they are valued. It’s interesting to see some of the most unusual job perks out there and consider which of them are a real draw for potential employees, or just a gimmick. Saying that, I don’t know of many people who wouldn’t want a hangover day every now and then – especially after an office party!

When searching for a new job, it’s important to make sure that the job benefits don’t outweigh the job itself. Regardless of the perks, you must always ensure that you find the right job for you and your skills, so you’ll enjoy coming to work every day.

Adzuna put this list together by collating over one million job adverts in the UK.






Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.