A study by the government has revealed more needs to be done to prevent the increasing costs of mental health issues for employers.
Currently poor mental health costs £77 billion a year in England, leading to the call for new policies to help prevent this rising.
The Mental Capital and Wellbeing report looks at how employees’ mental health changes through their life and factors which can influence this.
John Beddington, the government’s chief scientific adviser, said the report shows if an individual is fulfilled in their work, this positively affects wellbeing.
"Investing to identify and tackle learning difficulties early on and improving the take up of education and learning will result in people getting better jobs," he added.
The report recommends the government could introduce new forms of flexible working, better integration of primary care and more training in the workplace.
In recent news, a corporate massage company said staff should be encouraged by their companies to learn how to cope with stress before it has already affected them.
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