Beirut explosion: Businesses need to look after international employees during a crisis

The port blast in Beirut which led to the death of over 200 people on 04/08/20 has highlighted the importance of being prepared to support an international workforce quickly, calmly and efficiently, should disaster strike.

Towergate Health & Protection, have outlined the key areas that businesses need to consider to ensure they are well-positioned to support international employees during an extreme situation. They are:

  • Emergency protocols: Businesses should have protocols in place of how to support employees in an emergency. Have this prepared beforehand, especially in volatile regions where access to quality and safe facilities may be more challenging.
  • Additional communication channels: Mobile phone signal may be limited at best in some remote regions, or completely down during a disaster – so businesses should consider having communication channels available that aren’t solely reliant on telecommunications networks, such as satellite phones.
  • Buddy system: Having a buddy system in place means that employees can contact other members of staff during the chaos and aftermath. Whether a more senior member of staff or someone in a different office, buddies can provide one another with valuable information and moral support during a challenging time.
  • Evacuation and repatriation policies: Businesses need to consider having evacuation and repatriation policies in place, supporting organisations and employees through volatile situations – such as finding alternative medical facilities in an emergency. This should be clearly communicated and readily available to employees.
  • Next of kin contact: Ensure that contact details for employees’ next of kin or dependants are updated regularly, so they can be quickly contacted in an emergency.
  • Supporting the aftermath: Employees may have been injured during the catastrophe, so International Private Medical Insurance (IPMI) can help with treatment and rehabilitation. Equally, global employee assistance programmes (EAPs) can be beneficial, where mental health may have been affected too.

It has been reported that the blast was caused by over 2,000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate that had been unsafely stored at the port for years came in to contact with fire. The explosion has also left 6,000 people injured and 300,00 people homeless.

Sarah Dennis, head of international at Towergate Health & Protection, said:

Organisations should be poised to respond, should a catastrophe occur in areas where they have an international business presence. Being unprepared and scrabbling for solutions isn’t ideal in what is already likely to be a highly stressful and emotional time. Speaking with international specialists in advance about specific things to consider when operating overseas, can help businesses to prepare for various scenarios and react more effectively during a crisis. And with the Covid-19 global pandemic adding an additional layer of complexity to everyday life too, navigating a catastrophe is even more challenging currently. Preparing for eventualities in advance gives businesses the upper hand to respond more effectively during a disaster – which is integral to supporting colleagues who will be looking to their employer for support.

Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.