York-based Newleaf is an outplacement specialist, offering expert advice in redundancy counseling, career coaching and job-search. They particularly help individuals to make the best of themselves so they are at the front of the queue for the job of their choice.
Stephen Jones, a director of the company, said: “We are in a great position to offer constructive support to companies who need to reduce staff in order to survive, but who at the same time want to help their staff move on as best they can. We tailor our work to each firm and to each individual.
“The Newleaf team has vast experience in redundancy management and human resources, with expertise in current recruitment techniques. Many of these internet based techniques are a real surprise to those who have not recently been on the job market.
“Our team comes from a broad range of disciplines and from a variety of global businesses.
“Our role is to go into a work place and establish exactly what level of support is required for the company and the employees. We offer pragmatic real life experience for both parties.
“This can – and frequently does – include career coaching (this should be a good chance to explore working in a field you have always thought about), advice on presenting yourself to the job market through letters; CV’s; application forms; assessment techniques and interview feedback, as well as action planning to optimise the latest job search techniques.
“For most people, the hardest thing to sell is him or herself. In this personally challenging and uncertain time, it’s our role to help the individual grow in confidence, see their skills and experience for what they are, and work with them to develop a strategy to promote them to potential employers.
“Our service is truly bespoke. We don’t believe in a one size fits all solution.”
Further information about Newleaf and the services they provide can be obtained by calling Stephen Jones on 01347 879 056 or visit the website at www.newleafsupport.co.uk
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