A newly-launched training app could help small to medium-sized companies find a short cut to their core markets – and in doing so raise their brand profile, increase customer leads and ultimately impact sales. Developed in co-operation with Facebook, Facebook Trainer for Business is designed to help businesses that wish to take advantage of the precisely-targeted marketing and advertising offered by Facebook, but are not sure how to maximise their investment, or even how to start.
Facebook Trainer for Business, from the elearning company MindLeaders, costs less than £40 (exclusive of tax), making it affordable for even the smallest of local businesses. Available as an app on Facebook, on the Trainer for Business page at facebook.com/trainerforbusiness, it provides access to a series of interactive online training courses which can be completed as and when the user wishes. While training courses developed without the co-operation of Facebook soon become out of date, by working in close collaboration with Facebook, MindLeaders can respond to Facebook platform changes to ensure that content on Facebook Trainer for Business remains as current as possible.
“Evidence shows that Facebook advertising can result in more qualified leads and a higher percentage of conversions than conventional advertising. Because it enables advertisers to drill down to their target audience – for example, by age, location and interests – it is ideal for smaller businesses. We know that many smaller businesses have been very keen to use social media to their advantage, but until now have not known how to optimise their spend,” says Janet Garcia, director of MindLeaders UK and International.
Recent statistics show that Facebook currently has around 800 million members and of these 30 million users are in the UK.
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