Ageing workforces are set to bring new challenges for UK employers over the next 20 years, as workers over the age of 50 are predicted to nearly double from 9 million to 17 million during this time. With 38% of employees expected to retire between 66 and 70, retaining talented older employees is an important issue facing 21st Century employers .
To help organisations to understand and manage the needs of this changing workforce, Simplyhealth has worked with the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development to produce a useful whitepaper on the complexities and myths linked to an older workforce.
Dianah Worman, Public Policy Adviser Diversity at the CIPD comments: “Key to retaining older employees is the ability to understand the differing needs of this generation of worker. For example, there are now over seven million adult carers in the UK, and it is often the case that in addition to paid employment older employees also care for elderly friends and relatives. The need for employers to support older workers by offering flexible working patterns or phased approaches to reduced working hours is becoming more apparent.
“With 36% of the working population expected to be over 50 by 2020, it is essential that we look at how to best support older employees to ensure organisations don’t lose experienced and knowledgeable staff.”
Kelly Morris, Head of Employer Sales at Simplyhealth adds: “With people living longer, often with increased health issues, employers need to consider how best to support their employees whilst planning for potential increases in the cost of health related benefits and services. Health cash plans provide employees with access to benefits that can support a healthy lifestyle and help prevent illness and absence.
“It is also possible to control the costs of private medical insurance by selecting a plan which offers a range of cover options.
“Further by electing to self fund your private medical scheme via a Trust or Scheme Agreement, an employer has even greater flexibility over benefit provision. Most suited to organisations with over 500 employees, self funded health plans allows businesses to provide bespoke requirements to their workforce whilst making significant cost savings as these schemes are exempt from insurance premium tax.
“Planning early for the future health and wellbeing of your employees is the key to reducing overall costs and keeping a healthy, happy and motivated workforce.”
Simplyhealth has produced a series of whitepapers which take an in depth look at various workplace issues. Previous topics have included the importance of health and wellbeing strategies, leadership and culture as well as developing employee benefits packages.
To view a full copy of this white paper or to find out further information about Simplyhealth please visit For more information about the CIPD please visit
I wish there were the same concerns about employment support of highly intelligent people with autism to even get on the employment ladder at all.