Wandsworth Council is replacing its separate Human Resources and Payroll IT systems with iTrent, the single, integrated solution for HR, payroll, talent management and workforce planning. The integrated solution will bring significant efficiency gains.
As part of a five year contract secured via the public sector Buying Solutions Framework, MidlandHR’s iTrent has been chosen as the software provider for the operating system.
The council will be implementing a broad range of iTrent modules, including core HR and Payroll management and administration, Absence Management, Recruitment and Web Recruitment. People Development, Learning Events and Employee and Manager Self-Service modules will also be implemented. iTrent will provide people management data direct to line managers, delivering powerful graphical analysis of historical, current and future information and benchmark standards. This business intelligence, all at the click of a button, will help the council manage the complexities of the HR function.
Declan McGrath, managing director of MidlandHR comments: “iTrent is an excellent choice for any council looking to streamline its HR and payroll operations and drive enhanced workforce performance. This solution will support Wandsworth in the achievement of its council objective to deliver high quality, value for money services. iTrent has been designed to drive efficiency of HR and payroll operation, reducing costs with features such as e-payslips and electronic timesheets which will also complement the council’s drive to reduce its carbon footprint. The more strategic talent management areas of the system, along with the highly graphical dashboards provide decision support for strategic workforce management. When these are combined with a devolved manager and employee self service operating model, they will deliver the council both efficiency and workforce effectiveness savings.”
Robert Laban, project manager at Wandsworth Council explains: “We can take full advantage of the strides in technology that have been made within HR and payroll software in recent years, putting the council at the cutting edge of administering and managing its staff efficiently. Once live on iTrent, the council will experience many benefits including a large reduction in data entry and increased confidence that information is accurate and current. Through iTrent’s web-based Self-Service facility, employees and managers will have the ability to view and manage their team’s information, enabling them to properly manage their people through full visibility of critical workforce information. As key processes become automated, this will lead to faster, more cost-effective processing, freeing up valuable public sector funds.”
Councillor Guy Senior, Wandsworth Council’s cabinet member for finance and corporate resources said: “This innovative system will help towards the council’s drive in its commitment to becoming ever more efficient and to embrace the benefits of new technology. As well as offering excellent value for money, it means our people can get on with doing their jobs in the most cost effective manner”.
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