A recent survey has revealed that public confidence in the power of the traditional paper CV is low. The results indicated that more than 80% of Britons believe employers do not take the time to read through every written CV they receive for a job application.
The survey, which asked four thousand respondents their view on traditional recruitment policy, also found that more than 85% of us doubt employers read through all of the information presented in a written CV when processing responses to job applications.
Further limitations of the written CV were also revealed, with over half of respondents recognising the format’s ineffectiveness in showcasing candidates’ true personality and real qualities; attributes which 86% of respondents agreed were more important than educational qualifications in certain occupations.
In the fast-paced modern world, employers seeking to target the perfect candidate are faced with a dilemma: securing the perfect information-rich but time-efficient recruitment solution. The processing of reams of written CVs is a time-consuming business, and there is no escaping that old formula, “time = money”. Growth in the post-recession market means that weaknesses of the traditional CV become starkly obvious – for example, missing the right candidate because of lack of thorough processing, or finding yourself interviewing a candidate with a strong written CV but poor communication skills.  So, change seems a welcome prospect.
The survey was conducted by Meet The Real Me to coincide with the launch of its cutting-edge, job-seeking solution for those employers aiming to gain a flavour of the personality behind the paper. Following two years’ development and piloting, this month sees the launch of www.MeetTheRealMe.co.uk: a comprehensive subscription service that will allow employers access to thousands of candidates, and more specifically, thousands of Video CVs. These videos supplement an extensive personal profile available for view and assessment by subscribing professionals.
Quick to recognise the promise that the service provides, employers already embracing MeetTheRealMe.co.uk include Admedia, and publishing powerhouses Haymarket, IPC Media, Condé Nast. The merits of the service are reflected in the calibre of employers seeking to source the perfect candidate – by combining personal profile, written CV, and charisma – and jobseekers are signing up to reap the benefits of this in their droves.
Job specifications consistently stress the vital importance of good communication skills, and yet the best candidates are often overlooked in the act of CV processing. The impact of this on the overall standard of applicant thriving in CV assessment is most strongly seen in customer-facing roles, such as sales. For those jobs that depend upon outstanding communication abilities, gaining a flavour of candidate’s personality earlier in the recruitment process is invaluable.
The launch of the site, the newest venture of established London recruitment agency Meet The Real Me, marks a pioneering change in recruitment procedure, and in the ways which hirers are able to communicate with potential employees. Subscribing firms benefit from access to the Video CV of each potential candidate, creating a wealth of opportunities, particularly the chance to assess certain qualities that cannot be conveyed effectively in a written document. Meet The Real Me’s Video CV offers employers the chance to view candidates who have augmented the qualifications and experience listed on a chronological CV and personal profile with a taste of the character at the root of the credentials.
Meet The Real Me’s Managing Director, Brian Michael, said, “As developments in technology continue to shape the modern world, there is no reason why recruitment shouldn’t evolve with the times. MeetTheRealMe.co.uk does exactly that: incorporating the prominent position of digital media with a fresh and innovative solution for those HR professionals who are tired of processing reams of paper CVs with limited returns.
The service provides a new platform of communication between employers and employees, and piloting has shown that there is nothing more inspiring than seeing this connection result in successful placements time and time again.”
To join the ranks of those who are already being connected with the right candidate earlier in the recruitment process, visit www.MeetTheRealMe.co.uk.
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