New research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has demonstrated how organisations can develop a brand that links effectively with worker rewards.
Indeed, integrating employer branding and reward strategies can help to position businesses positively in preparation for an economic upturn, the body suggests.
Implications drawn from the research – produced in association with Mercer – for HR departments included the ability of rewards to influence employee behaviour, with communication seen as a crucial way or reinforcing the employer brand by raising awareness.
Furthermore, although financial rewards have an important role to play, non-monetary benefits can also be effective.
Chris Johnson, head of Mercer’s human capital business, said: “All participants in this research agree that aligning rewards with the employer brand helps in attracting, retaining and motivating staff.”
The CIPD recently claimed that there is a strong case for businesses to provide flexible working for their employees.
Posted by Hayley Edwards
Great article. This is very important. A key part of your brand strategy are your company values. But you can’t rely on your STATED values \(on a plaque on a wall, usually) actually being understood and lived by your employees.
So how do you make your STATED values come alive to contribute/create the company culture you want? The most effective way is also the most positive — through strategic employee recognition. This is “after the fact” recognition that catches employees behaving in the right way, and then specifically calls them out for it. In a formal recognition program, we strongly recommend using your company values as the reasons for recognition and then allow anyone in the organization to formally recognize anyone else. What would this look like?
“John, thank you for the INTEGRITY you demonstrated when dealing with customer X. It was a difficult situation for reasons ABC, but you consistently held to our standards as a company while still responding to X’s needs in the most appropriate well. Well done.”
If you allow anyone to notice and appreciate behaviors of colleagues that reflect your values, and you encourage such recognition frequently, employees begin to understand how to live out the values in their daily work — taking the values off the wall and making them real — while also aligning your brand with your reward strategy.
Read more of an example of this in practice at Avnet here: