New research from the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) has indicated that there remains a high level of uncertainty over job security among British workers.
According to the group’s latest quarterly Employee Outlook Survey, 53 per cent of those questioned revealed their company had implemented either a pay freeze or salary cuts, rising to 69 per cent in the public sector.
“Employers need to deliver consistently high-quality leadership and management on the front line,” CIPD senior public policy adviser Ben Willmott recommended. “How managers communicate, consult and coach and develop staff is critical.”
One-fifth of the 2,000 people quizzed expressed concern over the possibility of redundancy – again climbing to 31 per cent among public sector staff – and Mr Willmott urged organisations to invest in effective and talented bosses.
Entrepreneurs and public sector chiefs seeking tips on how to maintain workplace relations in the current difficult climate should consider attending the Employee Engagement Summit 2011, scheduled for March 3rd at London’s Canary Wharf.
Posted by Cameron Thomson
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