Managers deem resilience the least important trait in employees, according to a new survey from Conference Genie, a conference calling provider.

The survey, included 550 managers across a range of sectors, and looked at what factors get an employee noticed in the workplace and what makes them a ‘superstar employee’. Resilience scored the lowest with just five percent. ‘Good under pressure’ (6%), ambition (15%) and confidence (16%) also scored relatively low.

Managers said the most important trait of a superstar employee is efficiency. Being proactive (20%), having initiative (17%) and ambition (15%) were also popular traits.

The survey also dispels some myths, finding that being ‘loud and proud’ won’t always get you noticed, with 30 percent of managers saying their superstar employees don’t have these characteristics. Not being a people person was also a key sign that you don’t carry the qualities of a superstar employee (26%).

Qualifications don’t play much of a factor with only 8 percent of managers saying these are important. 30 percent of managers believe hands on experience is the best way to turn an employee into a superstar.

Employees that complete work in their set work hours and delegate work effectively to others instead of trying to complete all tasks themselves were viewed as more valuable to managers. The majority of managers (59%) also rated leadership skills lower than being a team player.

Simon Prince, head of marketing, Conference Genie, says:

“We wanted to ask managers across various industries exactly what it is that gives employees that superstar quality and there has been some very surprising results.

“I think one of the most important points which can often be a struggle for many of us but one we learn is vital, is the ability to delegate tasks effectively and not try and do everything ourselves.

Our managers also quashed some common workplace myths about the type of person that ‘gets ahead’. They admitted that their superstar employees aren’t those who are the loud and brash characters, or those who are in the office hours before and after the rest of the team.

“However, the managers we surveyed did admit that ambition is key to a superstar employee and also having great people skills.”