Government guidelines for businesses to safely re-open

The Government has released guidance on how certain businesses can re-open their doors in a safe manner from 4th July. 

Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has announced a relaxation of the social distancing measures in England to come in to effect from July. This will allow cinemas, hairdressers, pubs and restaurants to re-open. Also, the 2-metre social distancing rule will be amended to the 1-metre plus rule. The Government still advises that people try and adhere to the 2-metre rule but they will be allowed to get in at closer proximity.

The guidelines for “the visitor economy” gives instructions to different businesses on how to re-open their companies.  The advice outlines to adjust self-service machines, change seating plans, cancel live acts and control the arrival of customers. Customers ideally should book in advance, order online or via apps.

Businesses should carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment to make sure their workplace is safe. Pubs and restaurants have been asked to keep a temporary record of customers for 21 days to assist the test and trace system.

When social distancing is hard to uphold, a visor should be worn. Also, the company should consider if this particular task is essential for the business to operate.

The use of screens to separate people should be used where possible and managers should try and avoid employees working face-to-face but rather side-to-side or back-to-back.

From 4th July the following businesses can open once again:

  • Pubs, bars and restaurants
  • Hotels, holiday apartments, campsites and caravan parks
  • Theatres and music halls
  • Weddings will be allowed to have 30 guests, and places of worship will be able to hold services
  • Hair salons, barbers
  • Libraries, community centres
  • Cinemas, museums and galleries, funfairs, theme parks and arcades
  • Zoos, aquariums, farms and safari parks


Still, businesses should make sure that only essential staff are called back to the premises. More vulnerable employees who suffer from a medical condition, and who cannot work from home should be offered the safest roles in the office.

There should also be a controlled arrival and departure time of employees system in place so the office does not become too crowded. A reduced maximum occupancy in lifts should be implemented with hand sanitiser provided near them. Taking the stairs should be encouraged more.

Those who work in shops should implement a system that reduces the chance of customers touching products and then putting them back, transmitting germs. Any workers who use vehicles need to make sure the vehicle is properly cleaned before another employee uses it.

It has been advised that employers should try and engage with unions so that the changes made to the workplace do not hinder certain groups of employees, such as disabled workers.






Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.