In a bid to propel its rapid growth trajectory, Aldi has unveiled plans to bolster its workforce with the recruitment of over 1,700 new employees by the close of the year.

The German discount retail giant is fervently pursuing its expansion agenda, further solidifying its presence in the market.

This extensive recruitment endeavour will encompass a diverse array of full-time and part-time positions, primarily situated within the company’s regional warehouses.

Successful candidates are poised to earn impressive annual salaries, with the potential to reach up to £53,000.

Speaking about the recruitment initiative, Kelly Stokes, the Director of Recruitment at Aldi, emphasised the necessity of augmenting their team to align with the retailer’s escalating growth and the concurrent surge in its customer base. Stokes remarked, “As we continue to experience growth and draw in new patrons, the augmentation of our workforce at our distribution hubs becomes imperative to facilitate our operational excellence.

“In addition to the perks of healthcare and lifestyle benefits, joining the Aldi family entails becoming part of an exceptional work milieu. This juncture presents not only an exciting phase for the business but also tangible prospects for career advancement.”

An aggressive expansion strategy

This strategic move unfolds as Aldi unfurls an aggressive expansion strategy throughout the United Kingdom, characterised by the inauguration of a new store on a weekly basis. The supermarket juggernaut has set an ambitious target to amplify its portfolio of UK-based stores to a total of 1,200 by the year 2025.

As it stands, the company commands around 1,000 operational sites, which underscores the need for a consistent opening rate of 60 novel locations each year on average.

What are their reasons for expanding?

The resolute commitment to fortifying its retail footprint is propelling Aldi to new heights within the industry. The influx of over 1,700 adept and dedicated professionals is poised to not only drive the company’s continued growth but also elevate the shopping experience for consumers across the nation. As Aldi’s expansion narrative unfolds, the brand’s reputation for quality and affordability remains resolute, setting the stage for a dynamic and promising future.

Kate Palmer, HR Advice and Consultancy Director at Peninsula, says:

“This announcement will be good news for job applicants and likely the economy as well, but the recruitment department is going to be busy over the coming months. As with any recruitment drive considerations will include what the application process will look like, what skills and criteria are required for the job role, whether there will be enough applicants to fill these roles, in the right location, and ready to start at the right time.

“Getting the recruitment process right is even more vital when a company is recruiting on such a large scale and to deadline.

“Further considerations will include what type of contracts are needed, if the roles, for example, are temporary then could a fixed-term contract be best. The salary offered for vacancies will need to be attractive to job applicants, but companies will need to ensure that it is fair for those carrying out the same or similar roles.

“Companies should also invest in training those who will recruit in their organisation to ensure that there is no discrimination or unconscious bias.”






Amelia Brand is the Editor for HRreview, and host of the HR in Review podcast series. With a Master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory, her particular interests within HR include employment law, DE&I, and wellbeing within the workplace. Prior to working with HRreview, Amelia was Sub-Editor of a magazine, and Editor of the Environmental Justice Project at University College London, writing and overseeing articles into UCL’s weekly newsletter. Her previous academic work has focused on philosophy, politics and law, with a special focus on how artificial intelligence will feature in the future.