Four of the first sites for the Government’s new Enterprise Zones have been announced – in Nottingham, Liverpool, Manchester and London.
In the recent budget announcement, the Government said it would create 21 new Enterprise Zones with simplified planning rules, super-fast broadband and tax breaks for businesses.
The Government has asked Local Enterprise Partnerships to nominate the site of Enterprise Zones based on the economic rationale and potential for growth. The first four have now confirmed the exact location of their new zones as Boots campus in Nottingham, Liverpool Waters, Manchester Airport and the Royal Docks in London.
The Government says the focus of the first Enterprise Zones is “on cities and those areas that have missed out in the last ten years”. However, it says “other areas have potential for growth too,” .
Business Secretary, Vince Cable, said:”Enterprise Zones will create the environment for businesses to thrive and stimulate growth in the places that have the most potential.
“The 21 areas we are creating across England will give businesses simpler planning rules, access to super-fast broadband and more generous treatment in respect to business rates and capital allowances.
“On top of that, the benefits of growth within Enterprise Zones will be kept within their communities, helping to drive the creation of more new jobs and successful enterprises.
“We will work closely with local enterprise partnerships to identify new ways we can support them on developing the Zones, especially on issues like enhanced capital allowances and securing inward investment.”
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