The British Army has launched a new Army Reserve recruitment campaign to highlight some of the unique volunteering positions available for specialist reservist HR roles in the Adjutant General’s Corps (AGC).

Research within the campaign has revealed that seven in 10 people in the UK would consider voluntary work on top of their day jobs. When asked what was missing from their day jobs, respondents said they lacked an exciting and challenging role (24%), and the opportunity to gain professional qualifications (20%) and travel (22%). Three in 10 said they would consider joining the Army Reserve to benefit from all of these opportunities.

Director General, Army Recruiting and Training Division, Major General Chris Tickell said:

“This research tells us that people in the UK feel their jobs are lacking challenge, excitement and the opportunity to travel, and that very few realise the full range of part-time job opportunities available to them as a volunteer with the Army Reserve, such as HR and administrative roles.

“The Army Reserve offers practicing professionals the opportunity for travel and adventure, as well as world-class training. People can also benefit from the confidence and leadership skills they will gain to help them shine in their civilian careers – all in their spare time at a minimum commitment of 19 days and whilst getting paid.”

The study revealed that six out of 10 people are not aware that there are part-time HR positions available with the Army Reserve, and aims to showcase such roles to 18-50 year-olds.

Such roles could include working as a Combat HR Specialist to provide financial, administrative, IT and secretarial skills to the Army.

Recruits also have the opportunity to gain other specialist qualifications for free, which could appeal to the nine out of 10 Britons who worry their careers are held back by the cost of training.

As well as offering a salary and the opportunity for bonuses, the Army pays for reservists to gain civilian qualifications while they volunteer – from apprenticeships, literacy and numeracy skills up to A-Level equivalent – which improve employability outside of the Army in civilian life. Over 1,500 employers nationwide have publicly pledged their support for employing reservists, and over 1,000 have a reservist HR policy in place.






Steff joined the HRreview editorial team in November 2014. A former event coordinator and manager, Steff has spent several years working in online journalism. She is a graduate of Middlessex University with a BA in Television Production and will complete a Master's degree in Journalism from the University of Westminster in the summer of 2015.