health at work

It is commonly acknowledged that we may dedicate many hours to the workplace, and for some, the thought of going to work on a Monday morning can be a daunting prospect. According to new research by health and wellbeing provider, Benenden, your job could also be drastically affecting your health in many ways.

A survey of 2,000 employed people today reveals that a huge 87 percent of employees blame their workplace for making them ill, with only a quarter of employees saying they feel healthy at work on a regular basis. In addition, half of those surveyed said they felt depressed at work, with only 40 percent admitting they are happy in their place of work.

The survey shows that we are a nation of hard workers, with 46 percent saying they still go into work despite being ill.  Once in work, those surveyed confessed to having regular health issues, with backache (84 percent) eye strain (42 percent) and regular migraines (27 percent) all being present in daily working life.

In addition, just under half of respondents, reported being regularly stressed at work, with a further 91 percent feeling tired several times a week at their desk. Nearly two thirds of workers (58 percent) said that work worries keep them awake at night.

The survey also showed that it can often be difficult to try to stay fit and healthy at work. More than half of those in employment (54 percent), said that continual work commitments stop them from getting to the gym. In addition, three quarters of employees said that their employer doesn’t actively encourage them to be healthy and exercise.

When it came to the sexes, there were marked differences in how men and woman approached work. Men felt generally healthier at work than women, a 29 percent to 20 percent comparison.  Women, on the other hand, were 10 percent more likely to state that they picked up bugs and illnesses at work. And it was women again (50 percent) who seemed to suffer more aches and pains then men (40 percent). Women were also more prone to worrying about work than their male counterparts with statistics coming up at 64 percent to 52 percent.

Helen Smith, Business Development Director at  Benenden comments:

“Our modern working lifestyle often attracts much criticism and our research appears to back this up. Even when we’re ill, we persist in dragging ourselves into the workplace, risking a spread of infection to our colleagues or making our own condition worse.

“Employers should take steps to promote their staff’s wellbeing in the workplace. We spend so much of our time at work that it should be a place where we feel happy and healthy.”






Rebecca joined the HRreview editorial team in January 2016. After graduating from the University of Sheffield Hallam in 2013 with a BA in English Literature, Rebecca has spent five years working in print and online journalism in Manchester and London. In the past she has been part of the editorial teams at Sleeper and Dezeen and has founded her own arts collective.