A committee of expert business people is calling on UK firms to create better equality at work for employees.

Leaders As Change Agents (LACA) is a government-sponsored group that lobbies for better inclusion, fairness, value and opportunity within British businesses.

It has launched a free guide today with resources to assist CEOs and their leadership teams in delivering effective equality provision at work.

The guide sets out eight tangible commitments for adoption as the cornerstone of a better workplace:

  1.             Empowerment and choice
  2.             Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  3.             Growth and development
  4.             Commitment & engagement
  5.             Participation in decisions
  6.             Work life balance
  7.             Fairness
  8.             Recognition and reward

 The LACA board worked with a team of more than 30 unpaid volunteers to produce the work and it is supported by organisations and groups such as CBI, TechUK, British Chambers of Commerce and Deloitte.

Kemi Badenoch MP, Minister for Levelling Up Communities and Minister of State for Equalities, said of the guide: “As we move into a post-pandemic era, the workplaces we have come to know are rapidly changing and it’s important that business leaders, recognise this and develop industry led, practical solutions.”

The Leaders as Change Agents Co-Chairs Emer Timmons and Denis Woulfe have today written to the Chairs and CEOs of 500 of the UKs leading businesses to ask them for their support.

“Change and innovation in the workplace will only happen if business leaders demonstrate an ongoing commitment to delivering it,” explained Emer Timmons OBE.

”This is reliant on increasing awareness and supporting the case for change to win the buy-in of the whole workforce. Directives and policy alone will not work,” 

“We believe that the Employer & Employee guide sets out a vison where all employees are treated fairly, no matter the type of work or location and will help business leaders to deliver the necessary changes to fully embrace fairness and inclusivity at work.” said Denis Woulfe, MBE. 

“This guide shares practical ideas and insights with the potential to make a real difference to employers who wish to attract and retain talent in an increasingly competitive environment.”

The LACA board says it hopes the guide will provide an opportunity for a new dialogue between business leaders, managers and employees at any organisation of any size. 





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Feyaza Khan has been a journalist for more than 20 years in print and broadcast. Her special interests include neurodiversity in the workplace, tech, diversity, trauma and wellbeing.