There continues to be a “widespread” problem in terms of discrimination against Britons with disabilities, it has been reported.
In an exclusive article from the Independent, HR director Helen Waygood claimed that this inequality appeared to stem from a “fear of the unknown”.
Ms Waygood, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, noted that she believed many people with mental health conditions may not be successful in securing senior roles over concerns it may lead to increased stress, meaning many continue to occupy more junior positions.
And research by Radar, sponsored by Lloyds TSB, has revealed that non-disabled Britons are over three times as likely to bring in a salary of £80,000 or above than their counterparts who do have a disability.
Radar’s chief executive Liz Sayce stated that expectations over the roles disabled people can perform in the workplace need to be raised.
And Ms Waygood added: “If anything, my hugely demanding work gives a structure and a shape to my life that I desperately need.”
Meanwhile, Scottish Borders MP Michael Moore recently offered his backing to a campaign from the National Autistic Society, calling for an end to people with autism being “written off” by employers.
Am not surprised by the conclusion that fear / embarrassment is sometimes responsible for employers’ behaviour over disability discrimination.
3 ways of improving the situation:-
(1) Educate, educate, educate all recruitment gatekeepers so they understand the major disabilities and how it feels like to be discriminated against unfairly.
(2) Make it much harder to hide instances where there is discrimination – eg equal opportunity audit all grades of staff and publish results on the company web site.
(3) Put more resources into taking legal action against offenders.