
Next month the Mental Health Foundation is celebrating national Mental Health Awareness Week.

With that campaign comes of flurry of activity promoting mental health, whether that be from your employer, your doctor’s surgery or even your gym.

For those of us who believe we have mastered that art of mental health we may merrily ignore the campaigns. However for the rest of us who have personally suffered from mental ills, such as stress, anxiety or overwhelming fear, or know of someone close to us who struggles with it, the adverts may conjure up mixed emotions.

In HR Review’s Special Health at Work download, out on 4th April, I write about personal productivity and explore the latest research from Social Market Foundation. According to their findings today,

  • more than 34 percent of us don’t achieve at work due to poor mental health
  • 33 percent of us are less careful than we’d like due to mental health issues
  • 1/6th of us can’t concentrate due to stress

The most important take away from these figure is that stress, anxiety and worry is real. We can’t escape the fact that we will all be touched by mental health problems, either personally or through our relationships.

Fortunately there is a plethora of research, insight and recommendations that can help you to improve and manage your mental health. However from our experience, if you’re in a state of stress the very process of figuring out what technique can help can actually overwhelm you and cause more stress!

So for this month’s blog we thought we’d take a different approach. Instead of writing a ‘How To Cope With Stress’ guide, we thought we’d ask you how you manage your mental health most effectively, and together figure out what works best. We’ll then play this back and any other helpful shares back to you in our next blog.

Please VOTE via TWITTER by FRIDAY 8th April:

How do you best deal with stress, especially after a long day in the office?

a) I move – frequent exercise is my favoured stress buster!
b) I engage – socialising with friends and having fun puts things into perspective
c) I relax – meditating, calming music and other relaxation techniques centre me

And if you have any other ideas or suggestions please leave us a comment below!

The best comment will receive a FREE wellbeing coaching session with a Yoke Coach.


Rachel has over 15 years of Management Consultancy experience and an MSc in Organisational Wellbeing. She is the key driving force behind Yoke and so excited to be at the forefront of such an inspiring industry.