One of the most important functions of HR and talent acquisition is to hire the best talent for their company. Recruiting the ideal candidate can be challenging in the current climate. The pandemic’s striking effect on how organisations operate continue to challenge the HR and talent functions. The restrictions imposed because of the pandemic have proved to be disruptive but will also breed innovation.
Traditional practices are inadequate when screening new and existing hires. According to a recent study, 68% of HR professionals faced challenges in conducting background verifications because of the restrictions in place.
Uncertainty due to the pandemic has made the use of digitised assets and tools for pre-employment screening a priority, making digitisation the way forward. The implementation of developing technologies by HR will be the key in future to achieve efficient background checking results. Companies will need to focus on adopting a structured approach to implement technological changes in the screening process. This will ultimately enable companies to work efficiently.
In this whitepaper, we discuss the technological developments over the last couple of years and how these advancements have impacted background screening, a key human resource function. Background checking is mandatory for many organisations of all sizes, as it acts as a risk-mitigating tool. Here we discuss, how your company is at risk by ignoring the pre-employment screening of all new and existing employees. Background checking is not a challenge anymore when technological advancements have taken over.
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