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Tag: Living wage

Ronnie Tong: Will changing employee contracts save you money?

The national living wage has made headlines for several weeks but not always for the right reasons. What was meant to be a positive move by the government, has resulted in negative publicity for some organisations which have responded by changing employee contracts to try and save money.

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Clean for the Queen backfires in Twitter storm

With the Queen’s approaching 90th birthday looking set to dominate national headlines this spring, a new initiative has been launched to encourage the aging sovereign’s subjects to clean up her litter strewn realm.

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Robert Leeming: The ‘phony world’ of the living wage?

There is no doubt that George Osborne’s living wage, to be launched next year, is a policy with its heart in the right place. For example, more than three and a half million women, almost 30 percent of the female workforce, will receive a pay rise as a result of the legislation.

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Half of all employers expect to be affected by the new National Living Wage

Over half of all employers (54 percent) say the new National Living Wage (NLW) will have an effect on their wage bill, with three in ten of those organisations that will be affected by the new higher wage floor planning to raise productivity in response. This is according to a new survey published today by the CIPD and the Resolution Foundation (RF).

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Living wage to cost big employers millions

Major firms that employ over 11,000 people are expected to face a big bill when the Living Wages rises start to come into force. A new survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers has found that companies expect to pay an extra £1.6 million on average in 2016, and up to £11 million more by 2020.

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