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Social Risk Management

£2,700.00 ex VAT


DR. CHARLES PELLERIN, NASA former Director and leader of the team that built Hubble Space Telescope offers you this special social risk management seminar to help you dramatically drive your performance and accelerate your success in business. We will NOT discuss the obvious leadership and management knowledge  you can get anywhere, but we will share with you what was proven again and again to be the key differentiator between outstanding success and dramatic failures, between high performance and risk and even between life and death.

Please note, purchase is made on an external site.  £27.00 price is for personal use only, to purchase the webinar for corporate training purposes costs £77.00

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Available to watch online NOW.


NASA’s former director and leader of the team that built the Hubble Space Telescope offers you this special social risk management seminar to help you dramatically drive your performance and accelerate your success in business.

We will NOT discuss the obvious leadership and management knowledge I am sure you already abundantly possess, I will not share the obvious training and team building information you can get anywhere. But we will share with you the very parameter, the key, that was proven again and again to be the key differentiator between outstanding success and dramatic failures, between high performance and risk and even between life and death.

If you work in an organization, the reality is that you have good people on your team, you invest in them, you give them the resources to succeed, you reward them for their skills, you provide them with technical and personal development training tools and logically you expect to get the best results. But that’s not how reality works. Even with your dedication towards technical excellence, failure lurks in every decision, hides in the missing pieces of information, and waits for the moment when a simple chain of normal events triggers disaster. What are you missing? What are you really missing? 


In today’s context senior executives frequently bet their companies on high-stakes efforts like major product releases, strategic IT projects, organizational restructurings, fast-paced downsizings, or aggressive quality initiatives. And these bets rarely pay off as anticipated.

With estimated failure rates ranging from 72 percent to 91 percent, the collective inability of companies to execute on major projects costs hundreds of billions of dollars a year. For example, it’s estimated that of the $255 billion spent per year on IT projects in the U.S more than a quarter is burnt up in failures and cost overruns.

In addition to sapping organizational performance, these project failures cost careers. Now more than ever, CEOs are under pressure to either get results or get lost. In 2005, CEO turnover doubled from the year before. In only the past five years, close to two-thirds of all major companies have replaced their CEOs. CIOs are similarly vulnerable, with a quarter losing their jobs each year. Studies suggest that a primary reason for this alarming rate of dismissals is the inability to deliver on critical projects. Are all these people truly incompetent at their jobs or are there more powerful, social and subconscious forces that drive their results? Most of these people are brilliant leaders and very smart individuals, just like you and just like your colleagues at work. Remember that social contexts and not individual abilities drive performance and risk.  




How do you make the necessary improvements to the social forces in your team to guarantee reduced risk, high performance and outstanding results? Failure is always a possibility but success is only an option. To reduce the risk of failure, you need to be aware of the powerful implications these social fields created by leaders and team members have on your performance and risk. Why do you clearly see severe problems in your team, in your office, in your community and even in your family and feel powerless to speak up, to tell the truth and make a change? The answer and many solutions are revealed in this video seminar.



 1. Understand social risk, its profound effects on teams and how to properly manage it to drive performance immediately
 2. The idea that can change project teams – Why social sciences don’t work with technical people and what you can about it right now
 3. Discover the clear chain between human behaviors and technical disasters / financial failures, and how to reverse the chain of events
 4. The invisible, the unacknowledged & the fatal social fields in organizations – drive high performance by managing your social fields
 5. Discover why projects get delayed and fail due to unnoticed social reasons and how to reverse the process to drive high performance
 6. Discover the four key behaviors leaders need to develop and why failure to do so will lead to failure
 7.  Understand how to join right now the elite group of no more than 30% of the competent managers in the world
 8. Learn the four critical behaviors that throw teams into death spirals &  how to reverse them to accelerate performance and results
 9. Discover how to boost innovation through the most important parameter that is unconsciously avoided by most people
10. Discover how to improve performance and reduce risk in project teams and organizations, with documented return-on-investment
11. Discover how to access the best social risk management and team development instruments in the world right now



Dr. Pellerin was NASA’s Director of Astrophysics for a decade, launching 12 satellites with a budget of $750 Million / year and led one of the largest scientific programs in history. He invented the Great Observatories Program that garnered over $8 Billion for space astrophysics.

NASA awarded him the Outstanding Leadership Medal and the American Astronautical Society recently gave him their highest award, the Space Flight Award. Dr. Pellerin led Hubble’s repair mission for which NASA awarded him a second Outstanding Leadership Medal, an honor bestowed on less than 50 people including astronauts in NASA’s History.

NASA also promoted Dr. Pellerin to the highest non-political level in the government. As Associate Deputy Administrator, he developed NASA’s post-cold-war strategy. NASA then awarded him its highest honor, the Distinguished Service Medal, given “when the contribution is so extraordinary that other forms of recognition would be inadequate.”

Dr. Charles Pellerin is special advisor for Success Engineering Corp.



“Great projects demand great leadership. The 4-D process in this book has tools, attitudes, and habits that will help make you a great project leader. It’s really for any group that is tackling a challenging project, not just for NASA or space projects. I strongly endorse this volume. I believe the reader will find it entertaining as well as a wonderful approach to forging a more successful management team. When I developed and ran GPS, I wish it had been available to me.”

Brad Parkinson, chief architect of the Global Positioning System (GPS); Professor Emeritus, Astronautics, Stanford University

“By teaching us how to understand our customer’s mind-set and then to authentically shape our team’s offering in response, Pellerin helped us win three major competitive proposals worth $9 billion. His 4-D approach helps team members achieve superior results-and in the process, live richer and more compassionate lives.”

— Greg Davidson, Northrop Grumman Space Technology

‘The 4-D approach to team building are indeed revolutionary and effective. [Charlie’s] workshops were instrumental in raising the leadership level of my NASA teams to exceptionally high levels. Charlie’s thought provoking ideas are clear and easy to understand.  For those interested in raising their team’s performance, the 4-D System is a must’

 Michael Rudolphi, Former Director of Engineering, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

‘Charlie Pellerin is a NASA legend. As Director of NASA’s Astrophysics Division, he initiated on of the agency’s most complex mission – the repair of the faulty optics with which the Hubble Space Telescope had been launched into space. The phenomenal success of that repair has made Hubble the most productive astronomical telescope ever constructed. “How NASA Builds Teams” is full of practical advice based on this and a wealth of other examples. Anyone setting out on a project requiring the teamwork a talented group of professionals will find Pellerin’s eloquent book an indispensable guide’

 Martin Harwit, Former Director, National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC

‘I was somewhat circumspect of how well this would work given my previous experiences with this type of thing. I have to admit that it was time well spent and I’ve really been impressed by the process and results’

— Rick Grammier, Project Manager of the more than $1 Billion JUNO Project, NASA JPL



Duration: 37 minutes
Download size: 437 MB
Language: English
File format: Video MP4


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