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Employing and Vetting Non-UK Nationals 2009 No2 – Documentation

Original price was: £89.00.Current price is: £29.00. ex VAT

With the labour costs and business implications of screening your employees it is essential procedures are followed legally and accurately. HR Directors who fail to implement illegal working laws leave themselves open to possible prison sentences and their firms open to fines of £10,000 per employee (Personnel Today). The Association of Chief Police Officers estimates that fraud costs the UK about £20 billion a year, and is mostly committed by employees within the organisation (People Management).

Migrant talent needs to be recruited and retained for a diverse and culturally intelligent workforce. Preventing internal fraud is also vital for your organisational integrity, reputation and revenue protection. So buy the conference presentation to ensure you are not condoning 1% of your workforce being employed illegally.

You can purchase the conference documentation as provided to delegates, including the presentation slides (as a PDF).

SKU: HR109-docs Category:



You can purchase the conference documentation as provided to delegates, including the presentation slides (as a PDF), clicking the ‘Add to cart’ button above.


The “Employing and Vetting Non-UK Nationals 2009 No2″ conference documentation includes the following sessions:

Session 1

An Introduction to Immigration, Our Economy and Enrichment through Migrant Workers

Jim Bligh Senior Policy Advisor


Session 2

Employing EU and Non-EU Workers: Analysing the Potential Pitfalls and Possible Solutions to Non-EU Immigration Issues

James Perrott, Solicitor PricewaterhouseCoopers

Legal LLP

Session 3

Employment and Immigration Law: Right to Work checks, Civil Penalties and Discrimination Risks

Michael Bradshaw, Partner

Charles Russell LLP

Session 4

Interactive Session with the UKBA: Your Unique Points Based System Queries Answered

Session 5

ID Verification in a Few Steps

Daniel Suess, International Account Manager

Keesing Reference Systems

Session 6

Successful Screening Methods, Integration and the Implications of Applying Existing Processes to Non UK Nationals

Deborah Crossley, Senior Manager-Assessment, Selection and Resourcing Practice

Lloyds Banking Group

Session 7

Overcoming Large Scale Cross Border Recruitment Challenges

Jane Appleyard Immigration and Recruitment Manager

London Deanery

Session 8

Using the Points Based System and Utilising Information Resources

Amy Evans, Employee Relations Manager and Paul Chadwick, Head of HR Services

Superdrug Superstores

Session 9

Illegal Migrant Workers: The Business and Fraud Risk Arising from Unidentified Employees

Kenneth Hanslip, Head of Professional Standards

NSL Services

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