Over 70 percent of employers agree that an increase in Ukrainian workers could ease the UK labour shortages, according to new research commissioned by Reed.co.uk.

The research also found that four in five (80%) UK businesses would hire a Ukrainian refugee if given the opportunity.

Reflecting the enthusiasm of businesses to support the transition of Ukrainians into the workforce, Reed.co.uk has made some of its career advice pages available in Ukrainian to facilitate this transition.


Are there any concerns?

When asked about the prospective benefits of hiring Ukrainian workers, UK employers identified multiple factors:

  1. the potential to increase workforce diversity (33%)
  2. the potential to improve cultural awareness (29%)
  3. access to skilled and qualified candidates (27%).

However, the research also revealed concerns among employers about current complications Ukrainian migrants face trying to enter the country, with six in ten (59%) calling on the government to make entry to the UK easier.

Additionally, the findings also highlight the need for additional support to successfully integrate Ukrainians into the workforce

A large amount of UK employers (59%) expressed concerns over the language barrier as the biggest obstacle to hiring Ukrainian workers.

This was followed by an uncertainty about their skillset (36%) and an uncertainty about productivity (36%).


What support can be offered to facilitate the successful transition of Ukrainians into the UK’s workforce?

With 25,000 visas not having been granted since the beginning of March, it is hoped that the rate of Ukrainian refugees safely arriving in Britain is set to rise.

With six out of ten hiring managers believing the government should make it easier for Ukrainian refugees to enter the UK, it is important HR professionals are aware of what role and responsibility they have.

Chairman of Reed.co.uk, James Reed, says: “If Ukrainian refugees are to settle in the UK successfully, finding them employment will be the crucial next step to fully integrating them into society for the period that they remain here.

“It’s encouraging to see such a positive response to this refugee crisis from UK employers. The majority are enthusiastic about the prospect of hiring Ukrainian workers and have identified a range of benefits they can bring to the UK workforce.

“There are currently record job opportunities across the UK labour market covering a wide range of sectors. At Reed.co.uk there are over 300,000 live vacancies and capable applicants are always very welcome.

“Reed also continues to support those most impacted by the crisis through the Big Give’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, which has so far raised £3.5 million and is still doubling donations to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). Over 10 million people have now fled their homes in Ukraine. If you want to support them, you can donate here at theBigGive.org.uk.”








Amelia Brand is the Editor for HRreview, and host of the HR in Review podcast series. With a Master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory, her particular interests within HR include employment law, DE&I, and wellbeing within the workplace. Prior to working with HRreview, Amelia was Sub-Editor of a magazine, and Editor of the Environmental Justice Project at University College London, writing and overseeing articles into UCL’s weekly newsletter. Her previous academic work has focused on philosophy, politics and law, with a special focus on how artificial intelligence will feature in the future.