UK employees claim bosses do not help or react to their stress levels in the office

More than half of UK employees experience stress at work at least once a day, however over a quarter claim their boss never or rarely attempt to help or support them.

This research was conducted by the Gorkana Survey, an online research tool on behalf of Mindful WorkLife, a UK science-backed mindfulness and meditation skills provider.  The survey found that 54 per cent of UK workers suffer from stress at least once a day, with 27 per cent stating their boss never or very seldom reacts to this and tries to help.

The stress felt at work and at home seems to have a knock-on effect on one another, 36 per cent claim that the stress they experience in their working life has an impact on their personal life and 28 per cent said vice-versa.

Martin Zetter, founder and CEO, Mindful WorkLife said:

The research shows that UK workers are reporting stress on a very frequent basis but many do not have the right level of support to help manage it. Organisations which are serious about reducing stress, and improving health and wellbeing for staff, need to move on from simply raising awareness in the workplace to taking tangible action.

For workers to manage stress effectively they need to integrate stress management techniques into both working and home life. Scientific studies conducted by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre have proven meditation and mindfulness to improve concentration, attention, memory, creativity, reduce social anxieties, and even to boost the immune system.

This follows on from International Stress Awareness Week (4th – 8th November), where Sumo Sleep put forward the notion that naps at work could lead to staff feeling less stressed and anxious.

Google has introduced the idea of nap pods, where employees can go take a nap in a designated area of the office.

The survey asked 100 UK employees to obtain these results.


Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.