The HSE has opened a consultation on proposals to review its Approved Codes of Practices (ACoPs), as recommended by Professor Löfstedt’s independent review of health and safety legislation, ‘Reclaiming health and safety for all’.
The consultation seeks views on proposals for the revision, consolidation or withdrawal of 15 ACoPs, which are to be delivered by end-2013 and on proposals for minor revisions, or no changes, to a further 15 ACoPs which are to be delivered by 2014.
These include a proposal to withdraw the ACoP for the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and replace it with a suite of more specific, updated guidance by 2013.
It also seeks views on a proposal to limit all ACoP documents to a maximum length of 32 pages, other than in exceptional circumstances.
There are three main sections; to revise, consolidate or withdraw ACoPs, to make minor revisions or no changes to ACoPs or proposals to introduce a limit on the length of ACoP documents.
Section 1 – Proposals to revise, consolidate or withdraw ACoPs cover:
- Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres (ACoPs L134 – 138)
- Legionella (ACoP L8)
- Asbestos (ACoPs L127, L143)
- Gas safety (ACoPs L56, COP20
- Hazardous substances (ACoP L5)
- Workplaces (ACoP L24)
- Management of health and safety (ACoP L21)
- Agriculture (ACoP L116)
- Pipelines (ACoP L81)
Section 2 – Proposals to make minor amendments or no changes to ACoPs cover:
- Diving (ACoPs L103 – 107)
- Work equipment (ACoPs L22, L112, L114)
- Lifting equipment (ACoP L113)
- Confined spaces (ACoP L101)
- Pressure systems (ACoP L122)
- Hazardous substances – pottery production (ACoP L60)
- Hazardous substances – lead (ACoP L132)
- Quarries (ACoP L118)
- Worker involvement (ACoP L146)
Section 3 – Introducing a limit on the length of ACoPs:
- Proposal that all ACoP documents be limited to a maximum length of 32 pages, other than in exceptional circumstances.
This consultation began on 25 June 2012 and ends on 14 September 2012.
I use / consult with several ACOPS and find them very usefull will this change in as much that going with the advice of an ACOP that may be withdrawn in the future leading to problems with the HSE? Just because the government want to remove safety systems from the workplace should not make these valuable documents of advice voide.