The top HR stories you may have missed this week

Listed below are the biggest stories you may have missed this week.

Lord Mark Price: ‘there is nothing to fear from remote working’

As remote working starts to become a new norm due to COVID-19, Lord Mark Price former minister of state at the Department for International Trade and founder of Engaging Works believes as time goes on, remote working may become mandatory and that managers should not fear remote working and trust their staff.

UK lockdown: ‘all employers can do is stand by their staff’

Following the announcement (23/03/20) made by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, he has officially put the UK on lockdown stating “you must stay at home.”

Remote working will now be the new norm except for “key workers”.

Time off to look after puppy best reward to boost productivity

Time off to look after your new puppy is the best incentive to offer your employees to boost productivity.

This is according to Flexioffices, the flexible workspace experts who found that 41.17 per cent of workers see ‘pawternity’, time off taken to look after your new puppy find themselves to be more productive when offered this perk.

Ex-director of administration for Joe Biden: tips regarding remote working

Moe Vela, former director of administration and management in the Office of Vice President for Al Gore and Joe Biden spoke to HRreview and said “from all bad can come some good” regarding COVID-19 and more businesses now adopting remote working.

Prior to the outbreak of the virus, Mr Vela supported the notion of remote working and is currently a director at TransparentBusiness, software which helps you perform whilst remote working. Mr Vela explained that the system monitors your activity, however, when you are doing a personal task you can just turn the software off.

Phone etiquette could worsen severely due to remote working

Having a conversation with someone whilst being on a call has been named the most annoying phone habit by UK workers, with this situation being heightened as there has recently been a huge increase in the number of employees remote working.

Business telecommunications provider 4Com, have listed the most annoying habits workers show whilst talking on the phone.

Read HRreview for all the latest HR news and trends.


Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.