talentdrainA new online questionnaire which enables an organisation or department to measure its ‘readiness to perform’ after undertaking change initiatives, such as downsizing, restructuring or a merger/acquisition, has been launched today by TalentDrain, the employee engagement and retention specialist.

Called Unify, the 15-minute questionnaire collects ‘change feedback’
from employees and reveals the retention drivers that engage employees as well as the attrition factors that disengage people and cause them to consider leaving. It shows percentage figures for those who are committed to and engaged by the change, those who are ‘at risk’ because they are disengaged and those who plan to leave as a result of the change.

The questionnaire highlights whether employees understand aspects such as the reasons for the change, their new role and responsibilities and how the post-change processes/department will work. It illustrates their level of confidence in the leadership, whether they feel they have the necessary resources and the extent to which they understand – and are aligned with – the new strategy, structure, vision, culture, goals and values.

“The uncertainty of organisational change can have a negative impact on performance,” said Ron Eldridge, Director of TalentDrain.
“This questionnaire can help you to better understand what employees think and feel about change and their level of engagement. It gives you an insight into your organisational capability and your readiness to perform following a change initiative.”

TalentDrain hosts the online questionnaire, maintaining the confidentiality of the respondents. It provides a detailed analysis report which enables senior managers to interpret the results, see the priorities and implement targeted actions to prevent disaffected staff from leaving.

The employee feedback results can be broken down by department, function, job role, location, tenure or by demographic factors such as gender, age or ethnicity.

“Unify can be used at distinct stages of a change process to assess people’s reactions and to review the impact of different interventions,” said Ron Eldridge. “The insights gained can help an organisation to improve its ability to implement subsequent change initiatives.”

Use of the Unify questionnaire is charged at £8.00 per person, after a nominal set-up and analysis report fee.

TalentDrain, whose clients include Ernst & Young, the NSPCC and Unilever, provides online tools and resources that enable organisations to diagnose the causes of attrition and enhance employee commitment.

For more information, please call TalentDrain on 0870 760 6598 or e-mail info@talentdrain.com. Website: http://www.talentdrain.com.