Capgemini UK plc has achieved a triple success in the Business in the Community (BITC) annual ‘Awards for Excellence’ for responsible business practice. The company has won the BITC’s prestigious ‘National Big Tick’ in three categories: Climate Change, Sustainable Travel (ways2work) and Healthy Workplaces (WorkWell). The awards recognise inspirational programmes that are making a positive impact on the community, the environment or wider society.
The Capgemini programmes for Climate Change and Sustainable Travel were also shortlisted for the title of ‘Example of Excellence’ – the overall winner – in their respective categories.
Christine Hodgson, Chairman of Capgemini UK, commented: ‘We are delighted to win three Big Tick awards this year in recognition of our sustained and effective approach to corporate responsibility. We are committed to sustainable and responsible business practice, and winning these important awards is a great way to demonstrate that commitment.’
Stephen Howard, Chief Executive, Business in the Community said: ‘I congratulate Capgemini on achieving their Big Ticks. It is a challenging time for business, but this is a sign that companies are not losing their focus and are transforming their businesses to make a positive impact on people and society and are prepared to lead by example.’
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