Two-thirds of UK professionals have “quiet quit” their jobs and are only putting in the minimum of what is required of them in their roles, according to a new survey by Lanes Group plc.
The results of the new Job Satisfaction Survey of 2,080 UK professionals, carried out by one of the UK’s leading employers in the drainage and wastewater sector, showed that 67 percent of those polled say the term “quiet quitting” either very much or somewhat described their own attitude to work at the moment, while 69 percent said the same was true of their colleagues.
The survey also showed that only 32 percent of workers would say they have a manageable level of stress in their work. Meanwhile, 25 percent of respondents said they would be keen to change jobs in the next 12 months if given the opportunity, while 4 percent potentially would.
Lanes Group carried out this research to gain insights into the “quiet quitting” trend, where disengaged workers choose to do only what is absolutely required from them during their contracted hours.
The survey also examined how today’s workers really feel about their jobs, and the key factors that help people feel satisfied in their careers.
The findings of the survey also revealed the following:
Despite the prevalence of quiet quitting, 78 percent of those polled said they were either happy or very happy in their current jobs.
Nevertheless, 25 percent of workers say they are extremely stressed in a typical work week, while 39 percent are quite stressed.
The benefits and incentives that matter most when looking for a new job include better opportunities for promotion and career advancement (40%), a more competitive salary (40%) and more home-working options (33%).
The factors that people cited most often for why they left their last job include a lack of flexible hours and home working options (38%), low pay (30%) and dissatisfaction or disinterest in the work (28%).
Debi Bell, Head of HR Services of Lanes Group, said:
“The so-called ‘quiet quitting’ trend has received a lot of media attention in the last year or so, and the results of our survey demonstrate that this is a very real – and shockingly widespread – phenomenon.
“Although most UK workers are largely satisfied in their current roles, the fact that so many people are ‘quiet quitting’ suggests that they are not fully engaged with their work. Additionally, the survey showed that 66 percent of respondents are either keen or potentially willing to change jobs within a year, showing that many of these professionals are considering their future career options.
“This demonstrates that UK employers need to be doing more to inspire real passion and commitment in their workforce. In many cases, they can do so simply by listening to their staff and providing them with the flexibility and long-term career opportunities they are looking for.”
Amelia Brand is the Editor for HRreview, and host of the HR in Review podcast series. With a Master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory, her particular interests within HR include employment law, DE&I, and wellbeing within the workplace. Prior to working with HRreview, Amelia was Sub-Editor of a magazine, and Editor of the Environmental Justice Project at University College London, writing and overseeing articles into UCL’s weekly newsletter. Her previous academic work has focused on philosophy, politics and law, with a special focus on how artificial intelligence will feature in the future.
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