Accessibility to data tops the list for HR professionals with this allowing HR teams to make more informed decisions. 

New research by SD Worx, a HR and payroll specialist, finds that access to data is a main priority for HR professionals at this time.

The results of a national survey carried out by SD Worx shows that over two-fifths (41.7 per cent) of respondents ranked greater access to payroll and HR data as the prime focus.

People analytics have long been considered a necessity in order to create effective HR strategies. However, in times of the pandemic where many businesses are choosing to improve D&I as well as reward within their organisations, it has become even more important to HR teams.

Over a third (36.4 per cent) wanted greater self-serve functionality when it came to software. A similar number (35.2 per cent) identified faster payments through payroll systems as a main priority for their HR teams.

Finally, over a quarter (28.1 per cent) felt further integration with HMRC reporting requirements would be an important consideration moving forwards.

Along similar lines, over two-thirds of people surveyed (64.2 per cent) agreed that expert advice around the interpretation and implementation of HMRC guidelines and reporting requirements would be valuable to their business.

According to a previous study released by SD Worx, the UK are already ahead of their global counterparts when it comes to looking at HR data.

Four out of five (80 per cent) UK businesses say they have access and insight into data on HR and personnel costs – a figure which is significantly higher than the 26 per cent average across the other eight countries included in that survey.

Iain Palk, principal product manager at SD Worx, said:

Despite already being leaders in Europe, it seems the demand for better and more easily managed people data remains high in the UK.

It’s not a surprise: improved access to data allows companies to gain better insights into their people’s needs and priorities. Accurate monitoring of data is the foundation on which best practice people management can be built.

We’re all used to having sophisticated hardware and software at our fingertips, giving us access and control to all manner of consumer services. Delivering a similar user experience for HR professionals can be challenging given the complexity of the service on offer. And with greater interactivity comes new opportunities to introduce human error, which needs to be managed very carefully when delivering crucial, often time-bound, payroll and HR services.

*SD Worx surveyed HR professionals from 104 companies in the UK to obtain these results.






Monica Sharma is an English Literature graduate from the University of Warwick. As Editor for HRreview, her particular interests in HR include issues concerning diversity, employment law and wellbeing in the workplace. Alongside this, she has written for student publications in both England and Canada. Monica has also presented her academic work concerning the relationship between legal systems, sexual harassment and racism at a university conference at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.