Employees listening to podcasts whilst working at home assists productivity

Remote working has led to an increase in the number of employees listening to a podcast, with research stating it can help with productivity and help staff unwind.

This research comes from ABC Finance, commercial finance experts, which now shows a quarter (25 per cent) of employees are now listening to podcasts, whilst working at home. If you are currently working at home or are in the mood for one, listen to HRreview’s podcast on wellbeing with Lord Mark Price, former minister of state at the Department for International Trade and founder of Engaging Works. 

Since the beginning of March 2020, the number of Google searches for ‘podcasts for work’ has risen by 90 per cent. Almost two-thirds (61 per cent) of people who often listen to podcasts say they spend more time listening to podcasts than watching television.

ABC Finance said:

The second most popular podcast category is ‘educational’. One of these podcasts is titled, ‘The Coronavirus Newscast’ and is number 28 on the list.

Still, 30 per cent of the podcasts in Spotify’s ‘Top 50 Podcast Charts’ is comedy, suggesting that employees use podcasts to help relax and enjoy themselves.

Due to the spread of COVID-19, remote working is being adopted by more companies that were not using it previously. Moe Vela, former director of administration and management in the Office of Vice President for Al Gore and Joe Biden spoke to HRreview and gave his tips for remote working. Some of them are:

  • Create a routine and make this you’re new normal. Self-discipline is required and set real work hours
  • Establish boundaries between work and personal life, create a designated workspace and remember to practice self-care (that doesn’t include social media) but get your work done
  • Constant communication with your colleagues and managers—important that communication remains strong if not stronger
  • Loyalty is key—it fosters trust and remember your employer is worried about productivity and efficiency so do your part to mitigate that concern
  • When appropriate and feasible, offer to do video chats instead of phone calls—-nothing will ever replace the value of face to face interactions

Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.